Martin McDonagh

Image of Martin McDonagh
I suppose I walk that line between comedy and cruelty because I think one illuminates the other. We're all cruel, aren't we? We are all extreme in one way or another at times and that's what drama, since the Greeks, has dealt with. I hope the overall view isn't just that though, or I've failed in my writing. There have to be moments when you glimpse something decent, something life-affirming even in the most twisted character. That's where the real art lies.
- Martin McDonagh
Collection: Art
Image of Martin McDonagh
It's the way that I think about the world, and the way that I like to tell stories - I don't think you should get too heavy. There's enough out there, in the world, with violence. I think that comedy lightens the heaviness [of the world].
- Martin McDonagh
Collection: Thinking
Image of Martin McDonagh
It doesn't feel like you're preaching, if you can say something in a joke.
- Martin McDonagh
Collection: Like You
Image of Martin McDonagh
It's the periods and the commas that you have to forget about. The words never change, but the intonations change.
- Martin McDonagh
Collection: Forget
Image of Martin McDonagh
It isn't about being or not being dead, it's about what you leave behind
- Martin McDonagh
Collection: Behinds
Image of Martin McDonagh
I love actors. Part of that is my theater background and being a writer who cares about performance. Actors have usually chosen their profession because they have a dream of doing it and they want to express something about the world. That's the same thing that I have with writing. Most of the good actors get into it for those reason, rather than for reasons of fame or fortune, or anything like that, and that's where I'm coming from, as a storyteller.
- Martin McDonagh
Collection: Dream
Image of Martin McDonagh
I'd just like to thank everybody who was involved in the film, especially Brendan Gleeson and RuaidhrĂ­ Conroy. And RuaidhrĂ­, I'm sorry that you couldn't be here tonight but I hope next time, if they let you into the country.
- Martin McDonagh
Collection: Country
Image of Martin McDonagh
I like traveling and I like not being part of the film world. Especially when you're in the middle of a junket, you're thinking, "I'm not doing this again for four years!"That's about taking time and finding the right story and being in a happy place in life where you can joyfully tell a story. I'm not really into the fame side of things, so I'm very happy with making a film every four years or so.
- Martin McDonagh
Collection: Thinking