Martha Plimpton

Image of Martha Plimpton
There are so many brilliant women on television right now.
- Martha Plimpton
Image of Martha Plimpton
Cigarettes are an instant signifier in culture. It punctuates a joke, or puts that extra zing on a punch line. I like them as a prop. I think it can be really useful for character and texture and contrast and all of that.
- Martha Plimpton
Image of Martha Plimpton
We don't want to come off as pro-smoking. Even though we didn't smoke real cigarettes at all, you want to be careful of people's sensitivities.
- Martha Plimpton
Image of Martha Plimpton
It's easier to lecture women on sexual morality than it is to explain why all Americans shouldn't have comprehensive, fair, and equal health care coverage.
- Martha Plimpton
Image of Martha Plimpton
Women know the financial, social and physical costs of not having access to basic health care.
- Martha Plimpton
Image of Martha Plimpton
See, I don't watch reality television anymore. I watched a little bit of it for awhile, but I found it turned my soul into a black sludge, and I just did not find it healthy or good for me at all, because I would watch it and be disgusted, disgusted.
- Martha Plimpton
Image of Martha Plimpton
I watch things that are fun, or funny, or interesting.
- Martha Plimpton
Image of Martha Plimpton
I don't know if I've learned anything about people, but I've learned about Twitter.
- Martha Plimpton
Image of Martha Plimpton
People seem to think that you should be willing to speak to them whether they're jerks or not.
- Martha Plimpton
Image of Martha Plimpton
I don't pay attention to the ratings.
- Martha Plimpton
Image of Martha Plimpton
I love dogs because they're so adaptable.
- Martha Plimpton
Image of Martha Plimpton
Once when we were fifteen, River (Phoenix) and I went out for this fancy dinner in Manhattan and I ordered soft-shell crabs. He left the restaurant and walked around on Park Avenue, crying. I went out and said, "I love you so much. Why?" He had such a pain that I was eating an animal, that he hadn't impressed on me what was right. I loved him for that. For his dramatic desire that we share every belief, that I be with him all the way
- Martha Plimpton
Collection: Pain
Image of Martha Plimpton
Woke up this morning to the incredible news that I was nominated for an Emmy, and a shower full of dog poop. Apparently my dog is so excited, she has explosive diarrhea. I truly could not be more thankful to the Emmy voters for including me in this brilliant company of extraordinary women. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go clean up an enormous amount of dog poop out of my shower. Yay!
- Martha Plimpton
Collection: Dog
Image of Martha Plimpton
One comes to a decision based on what one wants, not based on what one doesn't want. Got it?
- Martha Plimpton
Collection: Decision
Image of Martha Plimpton
During my teen years, for Halloween, I went as a registered voter.
- Martha Plimpton
Collection: Halloween
Image of Martha Plimpton
I'd just like to see a role for women where someone who isn't traditionally attractive is not portraying the best friend. You know, the character that only speaks in questions. "Gee, are you gonna go out with him? Do you think I look fat?"
- Martha Plimpton
Collection: Best Friend
Image of Martha Plimpton
I wouldnt say Malkovich is totally insane, but hes not living in the real world. Hes living in his world, which is a fine world to live in apparently.
- Martha Plimpton
Collection: Real
Image of Martha Plimpton
You'll notice my eyes have sort of glazed over.
- Martha Plimpton
Collection: Eye