Mark Cuban

Image of Mark Cuban
It doesn't matter where you live...It doesn't matter how you live. It doesn't matter what car you drive. It doesn't matter what kind of clothes you wear.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Clothes You Wear
Image of Mark Cuban
If you don't follow the stock market, you are missing some amazing drama.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Funny
Image of Mark Cuban
The reason I do Shark Tank isn't to try take make more money of the deals, even though every deal I want to make money off of and even more so I want the entrepreneurs to be very successful and make money, but Shark Tank sends a message to everybody that the American Dream is alive and well.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Dream
Image of Mark Cuban
One thing we can all control is effort
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Effort
Image of Mark Cuban
You learn in life that a lot of things are the result of effort, but some things, in terms of scale, are random.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Effort
Image of Mark Cuban
Do the things that make perfect sense to you, [and] don't be afraid to shout it from the mountain tops just because it's outside the box or against the grain in your industry. More often than not, you're probably going to be right.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Perfect
Image of Mark Cuban
If I own stock in your company and you move offshore for tax reasons I'm selling your stock. There are enough investment choices here.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Moving
Image of Mark Cuban
Sports, music, movies - basically, fans of any form of entertainment don't do a resume analysis before picking their favorite.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Sports
Image of Mark Cuban
If you have managers reporting to managers in a startup, you will fail.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Failing
Image of Mark Cuban
Sweat equity is the best startup capital.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Sweat
Image of Mark Cuban
I love to compete. I want to get out there and kick your ass in the business world. That is what inspires me.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Inspire
Image of Mark Cuban
Sweat equity is the most valuable equity there is.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Sweat
Image of Mark Cuban
My businesses are usually built around challenging conventional wisdom, so I tend to gain by taking the other side. It's been very profitable and entertaining for me
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Challenges
Image of Mark Cuban
I rarely think the market is right. I believe non dividend stocks aren't much more than baseball cards. They are worth what you can convince someone to pay for it.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Baseball
Image of Mark Cuban
The thrill of victory in business blows away the thrill of victory in sports. Business is a sport 24/7/365.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Sports
Image of Mark Cuban
Sometimes you buy the horse, sometimes you invest in the jockey. It really comes down to the actual business and the upside.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Horse
Image of Mark Cuban
It's not the dreaming, it's the doing.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Dream
Image of Mark Cuban
I know I'm prejudiced and I know I'm bigoted in a lot of different ways.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Different
Image of Mark Cuban
I like being involved in businesses where you are kicking ass.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Kicking
Image of Mark Cuban
Business is the marketplace of ideas.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Ideas
Image of Mark Cuban
I just started a business called HDNet. There never is one area that has a door open to everyone. Try to find an area with something you love to do and do it. It's a lot easier to work hard and prepare when you love what you are doing.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Business
Image of Mark Cuban
I love the competitive aspect of it [business]. It's like playing chess. Why do people play chess? Knowing the realm of moves? Even when you get to be a chess master, there are other chess masters you want to beat or outperform. And to me business is just a sport that I love to compete in; a continuous intellectual challenge that really motivates me.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Sports
Image of Mark Cuban
I have some very special guests tonight, and I would like to give a big welcome to the Wayne State men and women's rugby team for coming to the game tonight and to be on my TV Show
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Team
Image of Mark Cuban
Companies fail for lack of brains and effort.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Effort
Image of Mark Cuban
If I can do it, you can do it.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: I Can Do It
Image of Mark Cuban
Open offices keep everyone in tune with what is going on and keep the energy up. If an employee is about privacy, show him or her how to use the lock on the bathroom.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Mark Cuban
The one requirement for success in our business lives is effort. Either you make the commitment to get results or you don't.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Commitment
Image of Mark Cuban
All that matters in business is that you get it right once. Then everyone can tell you how lucky you are.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Mark Cuban
We can talk about republican or democratic approaches to the economy, but until you fix the student loan bubble - and that's where the real bubble is - and the tuition bubble, we don't have a chance. All this other stuff is shuffling deck-chairs on the Titanic.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Real
Image of Mark Cuban
Patent law holds us back, in every which way, shape or form. There is place for it, in physical products, in pharmaceuticals, but in software in particular, there is no place for it.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Law
Image of Mark Cuban
Being successful entails being able to not only get along with people, but also to give something back
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Successful
Image of Mark Cuban
Information is power. Particularly when the competition ignores the opportunity to do the same.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Mark Cuban
Forget about finding your passion. Instead, focus on finding big problems.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Life Changing
Image of Mark Cuban
I'd rather be tired than broke!
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Tired
Image of Mark Cuban
Make your product easier to buy than your competition, or you will find your customers buying from them, not you.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Success
Image of Mark Cuban
Pay off your debt first. Freedom from debt is worth more than any amount you can earn.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Debt
Image of Mark Cuban
It's not about money or connections. It's the willingness to outwork and outlearn everyone.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Motivational
Image of Mark Cuban
One thing we can all control is effort. Put in the time to become an expert in whatever you’re doing. It will give you an advantage because most people don’t do this.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Business
Image of Mark Cuban
There are no shortcuts. NONE.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Shortcuts
Image of Mark Cuban
One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make is that we lie to ourselves. We don't step back and look at ourselves like a competitor would.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Mistake
Image of Mark Cuban
Never follow your dreams. Follow your effort.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Dream
Image of Mark Cuban
It takes time, it's a grind. There are no shortcuts. You've got to grind and grind.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Shortcuts
Image of Mark Cuban
Never follow your dreams. Follow your effort. It's not about what you can dream of. That's easy. It's about whether or not it's important enough to you to do the work to be ready to be successful in that business.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Mark Cuban
Wherever I see people doing something the way it's always been done, the way it's "supposed" to be done, following the same old trends, well, that's just a big red flag to me to go look somewhere else.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Motivation
Image of Mark Cuban
If you can, you will quickly find that the greatest rate of return you will earn is on your own personal spending. Being a smart shopper is the first step to getting rich.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Smart
Image of Mark Cuban
Relaxing is for the other guy.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Guy
Image of Mark Cuban
Get me selling and I can figure out the industry. Once I can figure out the industry I can start a business in that industry.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Selling
Image of Mark Cuban
It's not whether the glass is half empty or half full, it's who is pouring the water. The key in business and success at any endeavor is doing your best to control your destiny. You can't always do it, but you have to take every opportunity you can to be as prepared as-and ahead of-the competition as you possibly can be.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Inspiration