Marilyn Mosby

Image of Marilyn Mosby
My heart and passion has always been to reform the criminal justice system. I want to be a public servant, and I wanted to be a prosecutor because I felt it was the best way forward.
- Marilyn Mosby
Collection: Passion
Image of Marilyn Mosby
You can't allow other people to define your purpose or your destiny.
- Marilyn Mosby
Collection: Destiny
Image of Marilyn Mosby
Justice by any and all means necessary.
- Marilyn Mosby
Collection: Mean
Image of Marilyn Mosby
There have been decades of failed policies: zero tolerance, harassment and people being locked up for small crimes -\-\ policies that drive a divide between communities and law enforcement. So many people feel like they are voiceless, that they've been dehumanized. What we saw in the riots is a result of that.
- Marilyn Mosby
Collection: Zero
Image of Marilyn Mosby
No one is above the law and that I would pursue justice on their behalf.
- Marilyn Mosby
Collection: Law
Image of Marilyn Mosby
We are not relying solely on their findings but rather the facts that we have gathered and verified, we ask for the public to remain patient and peaceful and to trust the process of the justice system.
- Marilyn Mosby
Collection: Justice