Malcolm Mclaren

Image of Malcolm Mclaren
Sid Vicious began the age of participation in which everyone could be the artist. Sid proved that you don't have to play well to be the star. You can play badly, or not even at all. I endorsed that attitude. If you can't write songs, no problem - simply steal one and change it to your taste.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Age
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
I was taught that to create anything you had to believe in failure, simply because you had to be prepared to go through an idea without any fear. Failure, you learned, as I did in art school, to be a wonderful thing. It allowed you to get up in the morning and take the pillow off your head.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Failure
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
I believe that movies are fast becoming antique and dinosauric as a medium. Film is a medium for the over-40s and television has gone the same way. If you're going to look towards the new generation, then of course you're going to have to be a lot more random, spontaneous, irreverent and provocative with your programming.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Movies
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
I've always embraced failure as a noble pursuit. It allows you to be anti whatever anyone wants you to be, and to break all the rules.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Failure
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
Punk's influence on music, movies, art, design and fashion is no longer in doubt. It is used as the measurement for what is cool.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Movies
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
I always said punk was an attitude. It was never about having a Mohican haircut or wearing a ripped T-shirt. It was all about destruction, and the creative potential within that.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Attitude
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
Art school had taught me it was far better to be a flamboyant failure than any kind of benign success.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Failure
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
Through all aspects of society be it art, design, the financial markets, government, technology or communications we are witnessing unprecedented global transformation - the result of which is impossible to predict.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Design
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
There are two rules I've always tried to live by: turn left, if you're supposed to turn right; go through any door that you're not supposed to enter. It's the only way to fight your way through to any kind of authentic feeling in a world beset by fakery.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
What matters is this: Being fearless of failure arms you to break the rules. In doing so, you may change the culture and just possibly, for a moment, change life itself.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
Stealing things is a glorious occupations, particularly in the art world.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
The thing about Paris, it's a great city for wandering around and buying shoes and nursing a cafe au lait for hours on end and pretending you're Baudelaire. But it's not a city where you can work.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
Rock and roll doesn't necessarily mean a band. It doesn't mean a singer, and it doesn't mean a lyric, really. It's that question of trying to be immortal.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
Don't kill the golden goose.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
The Pistols were like my work of art. They were my canvas.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
I always feel more comfortable in chaotic surroundings. I don't know why that is. I think order is dull. There is something about this kind of desire for order, particularly in Anglo Saxon cultures, that drive out this ability for the streets to become a really exotic, amorphous, chaotic, organic place where ideas can, basically, develop.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
I never intended for the Sex Pistols to be immeasurably successful.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
I left school at 16 and my mother got me a job as a trainee wine taster. But one day I followed some girls into St Martin's art school and saw a voluptuous woman sitting on a stool being sketched. I decided to get myself fired.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
I saw a picture of Elvis in blue lame, and thought that if I could recreate that suit and walk down the King's Road in it, someone might pick me up and take me off on a crazy adventure.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
I've always thought that gaming and YouTube and the web is a very post-punk extravaganza.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
Everyone should be commended for allowing people to make disasters, to make failures - you've just got to be sure that it's a magnificent failure and that, by creating a magnificent failure, you plant the seed.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
Nothing changes and very little happens in Paris. This is a great place to work without distraction - and then I run away to New York, where I have a life!
- Malcolm Mclaren
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
Be childish. Be irresponsible. Be disrespectful. Be everything this society hates.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Hate
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
The popularity of punk rock was, in effect, due to the fact that it made ugliness beautiful.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
To be a flamboyant failure, that's better than being any kind of benign success
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Clever
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
Stealing things is a glorious occupation, particularly in the art world.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Art
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
It was never about having a Mohican haircut or wearing a ripped T-shirt. It was all about destruction, and the creative potential within that.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Creative
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
What are the politics of boredom?
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Boredom
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
Our culture has become something that is completely and utterly in love with its parent. It's become a notion of boredom that is bought and sold, where nothing will happen except that people will become more and more terrified of tomorrow, because the new continues to look old, and the old will always look cute.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Cute
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
Too fast to live, too young to die.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Young
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
Try managing a junkie - especially if you've never been one yourself.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Trying
Image of Malcolm Mclaren
I think if it doesn't do what I say, if it doesn't do what I want, if it isn't politically subversive, if it isn't sexy, if it isn't stylish to make all that happen then it isn't truthfully worth listening to.
- Malcolm Mclaren
Collection: Music