
Image of Macklemore
Expectations are resentments waiting to happen
- Macklemore
Collection: Expectations
Image of Macklemore
Just because you miss someone doesn't mean you need them back in your life. Missing is just a part of moving on.
- Macklemore
Collection: Moving On
Image of Macklemore
A life lived for art, is never a life wasted.
- Macklemore
Collection: Art
Image of Macklemore
A world so hateful some would rather die than be who they are.
- Macklemore
Collection: World
Image of Macklemore
Strip away the fear, underneath it's all the same love
- Macklemore
Collection: Same Love
Image of Macklemore
The skyline is etched in my veins. You can never put that out, no matter how hard it rains.
- Macklemore
Collection: Rain
Image of Macklemore
Live tonight, cuz you can't take it with ya.
- Macklemore
Collection: Tonight
Image of Macklemore
One man's trash that's another man's come up.
- Macklemore
Collection: Men
Image of Macklemore
No freedom til we're equal...damn right I support it.
- Macklemore
Collection: Support
Image of Macklemore
My relationship with God is as strong as the time and energy I put into connecting with God.
- Macklemore
Collection: Strong
Image of Macklemore
We sell our dreams and our potential to escape through that buzz.
- Macklemore
Collection: Dream
Image of Macklemore
We become so numb to what we're saying.
- Macklemore
Collection: Numb
Image of Macklemore
Drug culture is extremely prevalent and probably most people know somebody whose life has been affected by drugs, if it's not their own or in their own family, they have friends. It's a never-ending process.
- Macklemore
Collection: People
Image of Macklemore
I can write for weeks or months sometimes and edit it down to a song. I feel like it's a piece of music that will hopefully stand the test of time and hopefully capture a moment in history if I'm doing it correctly and honestly.
- Macklemore
Collection: Song
Image of Macklemore
For me, being transparent about every aspect of my life is what makes my music relatable and how I'm able to be an individual amongst the mass amounts of other artists.
- Macklemore
Collection: Artist
Image of Macklemore
Us as rappers underestimate the power and effects that we have on these kids
- Macklemore
Collection: Rap
Image of Macklemore
Michael Jordan was a cultural icon that everybody on the playground wanted to be. The Bulls dynasty was a huge part of my childhood and it was the peak of my basketball interest as a kid.
- Macklemore
Collection: Basketball
Image of Macklemore
As a white male in America, I have privilege. As a white male who happens to be an artist with a fan base, I have a platform to spread awareness about that privilege. However, songs about race and privilege are very difficult to A) write and B) dissect as a listener. They're heavy.
- Macklemore
Collection: Song
Image of Macklemore
It's just way more fun making art, growing, grinding for a fan base, and traveling the world with a friend.
- Macklemore
Collection: Art
Image of Macklemore
I'd always thought that if I could get sober and stay sober, I would be able to have a career making music. My drug and alcohol addiction was the one thing holding me back. I had finally gotten the tools to stay sober, and it was just a matter of writing the songs.
- Macklemore
Collection: Song
Image of Macklemore
The one thing I will never do is buy a shirt because of its name, especially when it's $600 for that shirt. To me, that's ridiculous. It's just a shirt; it's not worth the money.
- Macklemore
Collection: Names
Image of Macklemore
If I was gay, I would think hip-hop hates me. Have you read the YouTube comments lately? 'Man, that's gay' gets dropped on the daily.
- Macklemore
Collection: Hate
Image of Macklemore
Hip-hop was started as a very egocentric, testosterone, machismo-driven art form. The way that people are trying to take away that masculinity that is a such an intrinsical part of hip-hop music.
- Macklemore
Collection: Art
Image of Macklemore
This moon man right here stands for a lot more. This is the most important record out of all of them. Gay rights are human rights, there is no separation.
- Macklemore
Collection: Gay
Image of Macklemore
I was always the type of person, and still am the type of person, that I cannot be creative and use substances. So from a very early age I knew that if I wanted to make music, successfully, in any capacity, I was going to have to get sober.
- Macklemore
Collection: Creative
Image of Macklemore
And weed's not a drug - that's denial
- Macklemore
Collection: Weed
Image of Macklemore
It's been so long since I've really truly felt what it's like to live life without substances to help. Massive struggle that's natural to one's health, but with addiction in my blood I play the cards I was dealt.
- Macklemore
Collection: Struggle
Image of Macklemore
Under that light rain, beaming in the night game, can't stop now, keep moving, no brake pads. Came here to prove a point, live my life on the field, make history in between the base paths. And compete against the fear that is in me, that's my only barrier and I swear I'm going to break that. From the mud, the cleats that we dragged through the feet, this is that moment and you cannot take it back... This is what you make of it, yeah we play to win, live it like we're under the lights of the stadium. Fight, until the day that God decides to wave us in, right, until he waves us in.
- Macklemore
Collection: Moving
Image of Macklemore
I see a lot of people dressing very similarly, and I see brands being cool because of their name and because of who wears the brands, but that's always been the case. That's kind of the history of fashion. You know, celebrities wear their clothes and people think these celebrities are cool, and then the clothes become valuable. It gives clothes a commodity factor once a certain individual starts wearing that brand. But do I think there's something wrong? I think what's wrong with the fashion world, particularly men's fashion, is the lack of creativity behind it.
- Macklemore
Collection: Fashion
Image of Macklemore
I definitely use "smiling while rapping" as a tool in the booth. I want to have fun while recording. At times it can get tedious and stressful when it's not sounding the way you heard it in your head, but you've got to remember to just smile and appreciate the fact that you're even in the booth and there are people who want to hear your art.
- Macklemore
Collection: Art
Image of Macklemore
I want to be someone who is respected and not just in terms of my music. I want to be respected in terms of the way that I treat people... Music is my creative outlet in terms of expressing what is important to me; what has importance, what has a value. And I wanna be respected for that.
- Macklemore
Collection: People
Image of Macklemore
Vote Love means vote equality. It means vote change. It means vote whats right for humanity.
- Macklemore
Collection: Mean
Image of Macklemore
The trust that I once built has been betrayed. But I'd rather live tellin' the truth and be judged for my mistakes, than falsely held up, given props, loved and praised.
- Macklemore
Collection: Mistake
Image of Macklemore
Whatever God you believe in, we come from the same one
- Macklemore
Collection: Believe
Image of Macklemore
I like to be as diverse as possible. I think the humorous side and the serious side are both elements of my personality. It's what makes me who I am and if I was to neglect either one of those sides and just focus on one of them, it wouldn't be the full spectrum of my personality.
- Macklemore
Collection: Humorous
Image of Macklemore
Gay rights are human rights, there is no separation.
- Macklemore
Collection: Gay