Louis Kahn

Image of Louis Kahn
Consider the momentous event in architecture when the wall parted and the column became.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Architecture
Image of Louis Kahn
A great building must begin with the unmeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed and in the end must be unmeasurable.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Architecture
Image of Louis Kahn
Architecture is the reaching out for the truth.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Architecture
Image of Louis Kahn
Architecture is the thoughtful making of space.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Architecture
Image of Louis Kahn
If people want to see Beaux-Arts, it's fine with me. I'm interested in good architecture as anybody else.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Architecture
Image of Louis Kahn
Design is not making beauty, beauty emerges from selection, affinities, integration, love.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Beauty
Image of Louis Kahn
Architecture struck me between the eye and the eyeball.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Architecture
Image of Louis Kahn
Every time a student walks past a really urgent, expressive piece of architecture that belongs to his college, it can help reassure him that he does have that mind, does have that soul.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Art
Image of Louis Kahn
You say to a brick, 'What do you want, brick?' And brick says to you, 'I like an arch.' And you say to brick, 'Look, I want one, too, but arches are expensive and I can use a concrete lintel.' And then you say: 'What do you think of that, brick?' Brick says: 'I like an arch.'
- Louis Kahn
Image of Louis Kahn
Every building must have... its own soul.
- Louis Kahn
Image of Louis Kahn
The street is a room by agreement.
- Louis Kahn
Image of Louis Kahn
The first thing that an architect must do is to sense that every building you build is a world of its own, and that this world of its own serves an institution.
- Louis Kahn
Image of Louis Kahn
A room is not a room without natural light.
- Louis Kahn
Image of Louis Kahn
I try to create homes, not houses.
- Louis Kahn
Image of Louis Kahn
In a small room one does not say what one would in a large room.
- Louis Kahn
Image of Louis Kahn
What does a house want to be?
- Louis Kahn
Image of Louis Kahn
How precious a book is in light of the offering, in the light of the one who has the privilege of this offering. The library tells you of this offering.
- Louis Kahn
Image of Louis Kahn
The sun never knew how great it was until it hit the side of a building.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Sun
Image of Louis Kahn
I sense Light as the giver of all presences, and material as spent Light. What is made by Light casts a shadow, and the shadow belongs to Light.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Light
Image of Louis Kahn
Even a room which must be dark needs at least a crack of light to know how dark it is.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Dark
Image of Louis Kahn
We are born of light. The seasons are felt through light. We only know the world as it is evoked by light.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Light
Image of Louis Kahn
Architects in planning rooms today have forgotten their faith in natural light. Depending on the touch of a finger to a switch, they are satisfied with static light and forget the endlessly changing qualities of natural light, in which a room is a different room every second of the day.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Light
Image of Louis Kahn
Architecture is the thoughtful making of space
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Thoughtful
Image of Louis Kahn
Even a brick wants to be something
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Want
Image of Louis Kahn
All material in nature, the mountains and the streams and the air and we, are made of Light which has been spent, and this crumpled mass called material casts a shadow, and the shadow belongs to Light.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Light
Image of Louis Kahn
Greek architecture taught me that the column is where the light is not, and the space between is where the light is. It is a matter of no-light, light, no-light, light. A column and a column brings light between them. To make a column which grows out of the wall and which makes its own rhythm of no-light, light, no-light, light: that is the marvel of the artist.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Wall
Image of Louis Kahn
A city is the place of availabilities. It is the place where a small boy, as he walks through it, may see something that will tell him what he wants to do his whole life.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Boys
Image of Louis Kahn
The creation of art is not the fulfillment of a need but the creation of a need. The world never needed Beethoven's Fifth Symphony until he created it. Now we could not live without it.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Art
Image of Louis Kahn
Also marvelous in a room is the light that comes through the windows of a room and that belongs to the room. The sun does not realize how beautiful it is until after a room is made. A man’s creation, the making of a room, is nothing short of a miracle. Just think, that a man can claim a slice of the sun.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Louis Kahn
I sense a Threshold: Light to Silence, Silence to Light - an ambiance of inspiration, in which the desire to be, to express, crosses with the possible Light to Silence, Silence to Light crosses in the sanctuary of art.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Art
Image of Louis Kahn
The nature of space reflects what it wants to be.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Space
Image of Louis Kahn
The Sun does not realise how wonderful it is until after a room is made.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Badass
Image of Louis Kahn
I Use The Square To Begin My Solutions Because The Square Is A Non-choice, Really. In The Course Of Development, I Search For The Forces That Would Disprove The Square.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Squares
Image of Louis Kahn
The room is the beginning of architecture.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Rooms
Image of Louis Kahn
Thoughts exchanged by one and another are not the same in one room as in another.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Rooms
Image of Louis Kahn
How accidental our existences are, really, and how full of influence by circumstance.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Influence
Image of Louis Kahn
I just want to make my last demand in reverence to the work of what has been done by architects of the past. what was, has always been. what is, has always been. and what will be, has always been. such is the nature of beginning.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Past
Image of Louis Kahn
A work of art... is not a living thing... that walks or runs. But the making of a life. That which gives you a reaction. To some it is the wonder of man's fingers. To some it is the wonder of the mind. To some it is the wonder of technique. And to some it is how real it is. To some, how transcendent it is. Like the 5th Symphony, it presents itself with a feeling that you know it, if you have heard it once.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Running
Image of Louis Kahn
Just think, that man can claim a slice of the sun.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Men
Image of Louis Kahn
The person of old had the same brilliance of mind that we assume we have now. But that which made a thing become manifest for the first time is our great moment of creative happening.
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Creative
Image of Louis Kahn
The crocodile must want to be a crocodile for reasons of the crocodile
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Want
Image of Louis Kahn
How precious a book is in light of the offering, in the light of the one who has the privilege of this offering. The library tells you of this offering
- Louis Kahn
Collection: Book