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Drake doesn't realize, in many ways, he was like the big brother I never had. He set the example and paved the way for me to be myself. Now, whether I'm at the Grammys or whether I'm here or there or whatever, he'll show me love... People don't realize what that's like, what that means.
- Logic
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I've been working a lot with No I.D. and Hit-Boy.
- Logic
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There are certain artists that get into the little circle in hip-hop, and everybody is talking about them, and they are buzzing. But they can't go out and sell out tours, perform in front of 3,000 people a night, and things like that. We did things backwards; with Visionary, we got all the fans first.
- Logic
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Everything I do creatively is never for money.
- Logic
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I was really scared to make this album and to make this song. Because I didn't want to talk about it. For me, it's even deeper than just '1-800.' 'Everybody' as a whole... I was terrified.
- Logic
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You literally cannot deny the fact that rock and roll was born because of blues, and blues is black man's music.
- Logic
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I wake up every day, make awesome music with awesome people, and tour the world, which is incredible.
- Logic
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On the song 'Buried Alive,' it's almost like the instrumental is a therapist.
- Logic
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I sacrificed a lot of things growing up.
- Logic
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It wasn't the best childhood, but I did my best to make it good on my end... I didn't let it pull me down.
- Logic
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I realized that everybody is a critic. They're going to say they hate you, they love you, they this, they that, but at the end of the day, no matter what, I have to be confident in myself as a man and an artist.
- Logic
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Lyricism is about painting a picture. It doesn't have to be a bunch of punchlines.
- Logic
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I wear my inspirations on my sleeve.
- Logic
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I was raised in a black household and grew up with black homies.
- Logic
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If you're right, than be right. There's no need to hurt others.
- Logic
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I'm not Tupac or this prophetic dude or anything like that. I just want to make music and have fun.
- Logic
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Everyone is beautiful, and the world isn't equal - and we need to fight towards that.
- Logic
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Black is beautiful.
- Logic
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I'm a relationship guy. I'm not about that 'rapper life.'
- Logic
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If you listen to a woman, you'll know what she wants.
- Logic
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I'm the kind of guy who'll go to a courthouse and get married, but for women, it's different. It means a lot to them.
- Logic
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I'm not gonna do the same album over and over and over again.
- Logic
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There's a lot of other rappers that aren't what they claim to be, and they get a pass because they're black.
- Logic
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I think if you pick up a microphone and you rap, you're a rapper.
- Logic
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Black folk who don't realize I'm mixed will treat me like I'm some racist person, or when white people find out I'm black, they treat me with racism, and I don't feel like I belong or fit in anywhere.
- Logic
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I'm no longer the young guy in No I.D.'s studio asking for Kanye beats.
- Logic
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No I.D. executive-produced 'Under Pressure' and helped me find the Logic sound that's evolving every day.
- Logic
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I was a little nervous that people wouldn't take to 'Under Pressure,' because my style and what I embodied had previously been the braggadocious '90s fun rapper type. Before this album, I didn't rap about my life much.
- Logic
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Success doesn't make you happy.
- Logic
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I love movies. I own, like, every movie, ever.
- Logic
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I grew up on Wu-Tang and Tribe and Nas, all the raw, very New York-driven music. Then when I got older - in my late teens, early twenties - and that's when I started to listen to Drake and J. Cole, and so it wasn't just East-coast.
- Logic
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Everybody has culture, even white people have culture, but its different with me. So in high school, I was hanging out with the black and Hispanic kids. I'm not hating on white people. I hang with white people, too, but that's where I felt most accepted because I could relate to them more.
- Logic
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Forever, for me, it was just about trying to make it and become a known person and loved and revered in hip-hop and the culture. But then ,I even realized that that isn't really important. What's mainly important is just the fans and the connection that you have as a man and an artist.
- Logic
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I'm very weird with my money.
- Logic
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Nobody knows this, but the first actual purchase, after I signed my deal and called my bank account and heard how much money was in there - 'cause I was so broke and hungry - was Taco Bell.
- Logic
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I enjoy certain things, but I don't go out; I don't party. I just like watching movies, making fun music, and having a good time hanging out with the people who helped me get here - I'm a really simple guy.
- Logic
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Sometimes I watch movies. I don't party. I don't go out. It's just me and my homies in our circle. I stay away from everyone and everything so I can just continue to remain who I am.
- Logic
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I skipped school starting in tenth grade. I started doing badly and failed every class but English, so they kicked me out of school. They gave up on me.
- Logic
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I was so scared because I was thought I had to work, work, work, because I thought I might only be around for five years. I thought I wasn't good enough to last.
- Logic
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I turn down really well-paid shows all over the world because I want to spend more time with my wife and myself.
- Logic
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I like to always do my best to make music catchy, so I think a very catchy melody is cool.
- Logic
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I'm not the dude with the message. I'm a human being with different sides, different shades and different emotions, different feelings.
- Logic
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My mother was a good woman.
- Logic
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I wake up every day, I deal with hundreds of thousands, or millions, of dollars. I fund my tours by myself. I do merch by myself. I employ people. I have my own successful company.
- Logic
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I spent six figures of my own money to get a tour bus and do a fan tour for my second album. I surprised fans at their houses, and we'd eat food and play video games.
- Logic
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You can't put my talents in a box because my talents have put me in a mansion, and I'll be damned if anybody in the world can tell me what I can or cannot do, because they're scared to do it themselves.
- Logic
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It's really cool to come from nothing and essentially be a nobody and make yourself somebody.
- Logic
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I'm not the rapper that's too cool to tweet and talk to fans.
- Logic
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I've invested a couple million into touring, and that's paid off.
- Logic