Laura Restrepo

Image of Laura Restrepo
I was the one with the open wound, and the river waters turned red when I bathed in them. My sadness is greater than the heavens.
- Laura Restrepo
Collection: Sadness
Image of Laura Restrepo
I enjoy working with images of maps, flags, and different cultures around the world. I've always liked geography and geopolitics and it's fun to be able to play with the world political order.
- Laura Restrepo
Collection: Fun
Image of Laura Restrepo
Using one style would be very boring to me. I love to play with all kind of images and combinations because it makes the results a lot more interesting and entertaining.
- Laura Restrepo
Collection: Interesting
Image of Laura Restrepo
Collage is an important part of my everyday life. I always did it kind of secretly but then started my blog where I post things almost daily.
- Laura Restrepo
Collection: Everyday