Konrad Adenauer

Image of Konrad Adenauer
In view of the fact that God limited the intelligence of man, it seems unfair that He did not also limit his stupidity.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: God
Image of Konrad Adenauer
A thick skin is a gift from God.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: God
Image of Konrad Adenauer
History is the sum total of things that could have been avoided.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: History
Image of Konrad Adenauer
The art of politics consists in knowing precisely when it is necessary to hit an opponent slightly below the belt.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Politics
Image of Konrad Adenauer
An infallible method of conciliating a tiger is to allow oneself to be devoured.
- Konrad Adenauer
Image of Konrad Adenauer
All parts of the human body get tired eventually - except the tongue.
- Konrad Adenauer
Image of Konrad Adenauer
Only the stupidest calves choose their own butcher.
- Konrad Adenauer
Image of Konrad Adenauer
Kennedy cooked the soup that Johnson had to eat.
- Konrad Adenauer
Image of Konrad Adenauer
The rare case where the conquered is very satisfied with the conqueror.
- Konrad Adenauer
Image of Konrad Adenauer
When everybody else thinks it's the end, we have to begin.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Thinking
Image of Konrad Adenauer
When the world seems large and complex, we need to remember that great world ideals all begin in some home neighborhood.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Home
Image of Konrad Adenauer
To look back into the past only makes sense if it serves the future.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Past
Image of Konrad Adenauer
We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon. In an instant age, perhaps we must relearn the ancient truth that patience, too, has its victories.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Sky
Image of Konrad Adenauer
We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Positive
Image of Konrad Adenauer
All that the socialists understand about money is the fact that they want it from others.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Want
Image of Konrad Adenauer
Experiences are the seeds out of which wisdom grows.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Grows
Image of Konrad Adenauer
First make yourself unpopular, then you will be taken seriously.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Taken
Image of Konrad Adenauer
What do I care about my chitchat from yesterday?
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Yesterday
Image of Konrad Adenauer
You have to take people as they are because there are no others.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: People
Image of Konrad Adenauer
Thoughts and pictures come to my mind... thoughts from before the year 1914 when there was real peace, quiet and security on this earth - a time when we didn't know fear... Security and quiet have disappeared from the lives of men since 1914.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Real
Image of Konrad Adenauer
God designed the stomach to eject what is bad for it, but not the human brain.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Brain
Image of Konrad Adenauer
As soon as you are complicated, you are ineffectual.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Complicated
Image of Konrad Adenauer
I do not ask to be young again; all I want is to go on getting older.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Getting Older
Image of Konrad Adenauer
The good Lord set definite limits on man's wisdom, but set no limits on his stupidity.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Konrad Adenauer
The attack on Dresden, which was overflowing with refugees, on February 13th 1945 caused around 250,000 dead.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: War
Image of Konrad Adenauer
A thick hide is a gift from God.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Gift From God
Image of Konrad Adenauer
The Good Lord hasn't done this well: He placed limits on everything, except on stupidity.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Stupidity
Image of Konrad Adenauer
All human organs eventually tire, only the tongue doesn't.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Tongue
Image of Konrad Adenauer
We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.
- Konrad Adenauer
Collection: Sky