Kit Harington

Image of Kit Harington
I've inherited the bad poetry genes, but not the inventor genes.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Genes
Image of Kit Harington
I'm very much a "that's so obvious, I must not mention it" kind of guy.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Guy
Image of Kit Harington
You know that thing when you break up with someone and you’re walking around the town where you both live and you’re just really hoping to see them? You know that you’re not supposed to see them, but there’s nothing you want more.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Want
Image of Kit Harington
It's a nightmare if you're working with someone you don't get on with, especially if you have to be in love with them.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Nightmare
Image of Kit Harington
When you're a lead role, I'm learning that you set a tone for the movie in a way, like a director does, or like other actors do. But it seems like you set a mood on set.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Directors
Image of Kit Harington
On a serious level, I wouldnt tell the press if I was in a relationship or not. I wouldnt ever reveal that, because it takes you down a certain road... I have no desire to be courting the press with my love life.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Love Life
Image of Kit Harington
I've always been a bit of a self-doubter, I think a lot of actors are. I still am.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Thinking
Image of Kit Harington
I like playing dark, broody types.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Dark
Image of Kit Harington
Each project changes you a bit.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Projects
Image of Kit Harington
I love action. I love doing fight scenes, I always have.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kit Harington
I always love costume, and I'm always heavily involved in how things should look. Or how they should feel really, because that's part of the way I suppose I get into character in some ways. It's a lot about costume.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Character
Image of Kit Harington
When I'm applying for a new passport, or something, someone will call me Christopher. Other than that, no one ever calls me Christopher.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Call Me
Image of Kit Harington
At drama school, I was always playing the 11-year-old boys.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Drama
Image of Kit Harington
Attention gets you the opposite sex sometimes.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Sex
Image of Kit Harington
It's very difficult to say anything in Icelandic. I can say "takk," which means "thank you." That's about all I learned.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Mean
Image of Kit Harington
Iceland, I'm in love with that country, the people are incredible.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Country
Image of Kit Harington
Like every actor, you get notorious for maybe one role and then get offered a lot of similar roles.
- Kit Harington
Collection: Roles
Image of Kit Harington
I kind of weirdly fell into being an action hero...I have no f- idea how that happened. You have to remind people that you want to act rather than just run around
- Kit Harington
Collection: Running