Juliana Hatfield

Image of Juliana Hatfield
I can't believe I got a major-label record deal. My music was quirky, and my voice was so odd and high and girlish, it was like a weird novelty act.
- Juliana Hatfield
Image of Juliana Hatfield
Popular culture is filled with girls.
- Juliana Hatfield
Image of Juliana Hatfield
I listen to NPR and baseball games when I'm in my car. I mean, exclusively NPR and baseball games, and that's it, as far as the radio.
- Juliana Hatfield
Image of Juliana Hatfield
I wanted to be a writer since I was a little girl - long before I was a musician and a songwriter.
- Juliana Hatfield
Image of Juliana Hatfield
It costs a lot of money to make an album in a studio in New York with a producer and musicians. I have to pay a publicist every month. I have to pay for mastering, production, the manufacturing of the discs. Then, to promote an album properly, you have to spend a lot of money.
- Juliana Hatfield
Image of Juliana Hatfield
If I have to work in McDonalds, fine - I had a really great run and made a living at music for 20 years, and how many other people can say that?
- Juliana Hatfield
Image of Juliana Hatfield
Playing a show is a monumental hassle. You've got to schlep all your heavy equipment into the van, then you've got to drive for five hours, then you have to schlep all the heavy equipment out of the van, onto the stage, set it up, do the sound check, hang around for three hours, then play the show, which is incredibly draining.
- Juliana Hatfield
Image of Juliana Hatfield
My dad claims that he was able to trace us back to the West Virginia Hatfields. When I look at the old pictures, the patriarchs have kind of a physical likeness to some of the men on the father's side of my family. I want it to be true.
- Juliana Hatfield
Image of Juliana Hatfield
A lot of my past is gone from my mind.
- Juliana Hatfield
Image of Juliana Hatfield
Music is so hard. It's a struggle to get people to care. It's hard to make an impact in today's world because people aren't buying records anymore.
- Juliana Hatfield
Image of Juliana Hatfield
Puerto Rico has a stray dog problem. Tens of thousands of homeless canines - hundreds of thousands, by some estimates - live and die on the streets and beaches all over this Caribbean island of almost four million people.
- Juliana Hatfield
Image of Juliana Hatfield
Puerto Ricans who find they can no longer afford to keep their pets often choose to drop their dogs, sometimes even whole litters of puppies, at a beach - sometimes under cover of night, in secret - rather than surrender the animal to a city or state-run shelter where the animals will face grim conditions and almost certain death by euthanasia.
- Juliana Hatfield
Image of Juliana Hatfield
People in L.A. don't have to brace themselves against the cold; they slack off permanently, and their brains turn to mush.
- Juliana Hatfield
Image of Juliana Hatfield
I don't feel bad or scared about getting older in terms of my looks or anything like that. I'm not afraid of my face changing. I enjoy seeing my face change. I think it's really interesting. I wouldn't want to have same face for my whole life. It would be boring to look at the same face in the mirror for 80 years.
- Juliana Hatfield
Image of Juliana Hatfield
I've always been a loner, and I've spent most of my life as a single person.
- Juliana Hatfield
Image of Juliana Hatfield
I wanted to be a writer. I still want to be a prose writer. I feel I am more temperamentally suited to that kind of life, although there are things I still want to do with music.
- Juliana Hatfield
Collection: Kind
Image of Juliana Hatfield
I see a long lost home in his eyes. He sees a nice hotel in mine.
- Juliana Hatfield
Collection: Sex
Image of Juliana Hatfield
A lot of so-called Christian souls are not fine. People need to look inside themselves and look at the lives they're leading and fix themselves before they try to fix other people.
- Juliana Hatfield
Collection: Christian
Image of Juliana Hatfield
How do you get up in the morning? Another wasted life it's so boring The system never failed you You failed yourself and all of your friends Now your heart is failing too A total system failure they pronounce you
- Juliana Hatfield
Collection: Morning
Image of Juliana Hatfield
I've been sleeping through my life Now I'm waking up And I want to stand in the sunshine I have never been ecstatic Had a flower but it never bloomed In the darkness of my wasted youth It was hiding in the shadows Learning to become invisible Uncover me
- Juliana Hatfield
Collection: Flower
Image of Juliana Hatfield
You think you know who you are and then other people have these other ideas.
- Juliana Hatfield
Collection: Thinking
Image of Juliana Hatfield
How can I shield myself from the things that I hear?
- Juliana Hatfield
Collection: Shields
Image of Juliana Hatfield
If life is a performance, and I am not an actor, am I supposed to lie down and die?
- Juliana Hatfield
Collection: Lying
Image of Juliana Hatfield
I don't need a mirror to see that it's true, cause I'm ugly with a capital U.
- Juliana Hatfield
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Juliana Hatfield
The is a lot of anti-sexism coming from my point of view as a woman who deals with it every day. I think sexism is a form of discrimination. It is similar to other forms of discrimination. I think people should feel empowered to not take s**t from anyone.
- Juliana Hatfield
Collection: Thinking
Image of Juliana Hatfield
Physically touring is tough on me, not that I am weakling. I lose weight. I can't always find the things I need to keep my strength up. It is very draining physically. It is taxing for my mind and body, but in a good way. It feels healthy in a way to purge things out of my system every night.
- Juliana Hatfield
Collection: Night
Image of Juliana Hatfield
I don’t buy a lot when I travel, but when I do, I like to send gifts from wherever I am. It’s fun to find the local post office.
- Juliana Hatfield
Collection: Fun
Image of Juliana Hatfield
My growth as an artist and a person has been so slow and gradual, it’s hard to make a story out of it.
- Juliana Hatfield
Collection: Stories