Julia Mancuso

Image of Julia Mancuso
When I travel, I always have about 40 pairs of skis with me, plus a ski technician and a ski coach.
- Julia Mancuso
Image of Julia Mancuso
The truth is, the sport of skiing takes so much effort, setting up and traveling with equipment, that you can only train for a certain number of days in the summer. Most of my peers ski between 40 to 60 days. I ski about 55 days.
- Julia Mancuso
Image of Julia Mancuso
The best part about Maui is that I can spend a lot of time outside. My off-season is April, May, and June.
- Julia Mancuso
Image of Julia Mancuso
I come to Maui and go surfing, standup paddling, slacklining, swimming, and free-diving.
- Julia Mancuso
Image of Julia Mancuso
My best event is Super-G. I'm competitive in all my events, but Super-G has been most consistent for me.
- Julia Mancuso
Image of Julia Mancuso
Downhillers are going over 110 miles per hour. But no matter what, you can't hit the fence at 100 miles per hour.
- Julia Mancuso
Image of Julia Mancuso
I work out a lot, but I like to do action sports. A lot of surfing, mountain-biking.
- Julia Mancuso
Image of Julia Mancuso
I'm excited to watch slope style and halfpipe. And then, of course, when my events are done, I get to go to hockey, which is always entertaining. I also like figure skating. I think every girl grew up watching figure skating.
- Julia Mancuso
Image of Julia Mancuso
What has helped me prevent injuries is being connected and having my body aligned. Every morning, I roll out and then work on my core and my balance.
- Julia Mancuso
Image of Julia Mancuso
I do Nike Training Club, which is actually really hard and intense. I'm surprised every time I do it. I also use Map My Ride and Map My Run.
- Julia Mancuso
Image of Julia Mancuso
I find music distracting - it takes me out of my head. What I love so much about skiing is the peacefulness.
- Julia Mancuso
Image of Julia Mancuso
I don't really believe in lucky things, but I wear lucky underwear as a joke.
- Julia Mancuso
Image of Julia Mancuso
For me, personally, getting a podium is not as important as feeling super comfortable on my skiing.
- Julia Mancuso
Image of Julia Mancuso
I ski fast for me, first and foremost, and I ski fast for my family, and it's always the love that gets me to the podium.
- Julia Mancuso
Image of Julia Mancuso
It's cool when people ask me about my gold medal and they say it will last forever. I will try to promote skiing and show everyone it's not just about competition. It's about having fun with your friends in the snow. I want to bring people with less opportunities to the snow, try to use my gold medal to support programs to bring more people to the snow.
- Julia Mancuso
Collection: Fun
Image of Julia Mancuso
The moment I think about past letdowns or future hypotheticals, I mentally put myself on shaky ground. If I clear my mind of chatter, I can succeed, just like I did in 2006.
- Julia Mancuso
Collection: Past
Image of Julia Mancuso
To me the Olympic spirit embodies the magic of competition, hard work and coming to a point in your career when you're around the best athletes in the world, and having the whole world watching.
- Julia Mancuso
Collection: Athlete
Image of Julia Mancuso
I really think positive and hope that everything works out. Because you can't really change anything.
- Julia Mancuso
Collection: Thinking
Image of Julia Mancuso
We're really friendly. The cool thing about skiing is you're competing against the clock. Even though you're competing against your teammates, it's not head-to-head. And we can all do better. You can always do better. You never really have a perfect run. And someone beats you. So you can't really blame anyone.
- Julia Mancuso
Collection: Running
Image of Julia Mancuso
I knew I really had to put down a good run. I played it safe, and took risks when I could, and I came in the fastest, I guess.
- Julia Mancuso
Collection: Running
Image of Julia Mancuso
I think of how most people only get three weeks of vacation a year. And that, for me, seems like it would be really hard. My life feels like a vacation.
- Julia Mancuso
Collection: Thinking
Image of Julia Mancuso
Our sport is really European, so you get to show off what you do to your friends and family and they can actually follow along.
- Julia Mancuso
Collection: Sports
Image of Julia Mancuso
For me, it really just feels calm. When you're going fast on a downhill course, it's typically where it's wide open. I think it's kind of like driving a car. If you're going really fast and it's straight, everything seems to slow down. In general, racing downhill involves bigger turns and everything sort of slows down and you have a lot of time to think.
- Julia Mancuso
Collection: Thinking