Jose Mujica

Image of Jose Mujica
The way the banks behave is frankly unbearable. I didn't rob for me. I expropriated resources for a struggle. If I had robbed for myself that would be different.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Struggle
Image of Jose Mujica
What was my great sin? To have revealed the private property of the bank - well if this is being a criminal, then maybe I'm a great criminal.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Criminals
Image of Jose Mujica
Uruguay is a country which has grown from immigration, people from all over. That is our origin.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Country
Image of Jose Mujica
Worse that drugs is drug trafficking. Much worse. Drugs are a disease, and I don't think that there are good drugs or that marijuana is good. Nor cigarettes. No addiction is good. I include alcohol. The only good addiction is love. Forget everything else.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Powerful
Image of Jose Mujica
No country can solve climate change alone, we have to take global measures.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Country
Image of Jose Mujica
We applied a very simple principle: Recognize the facts. Abortion is old as the world. Gay marriage, please - it's older than the world. We had Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, please. To say it's modern, come on, it's older than we are. It's an objective reality that it exists. For us, not legalizing it would be to torture people needlessly.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Powerful
Image of Jose Mujica
But we think as people and countries, not as a species.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Country
Image of Jose Mujica
I think the ideal way of living is to live like the vast majority of people whom we attempt to serve and represent.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Humble
Image of Jose Mujica
We have sacrificed the old immaterial gods, and now we are occupying the temple of the Market-God. He organizes our economy, our politics, our habits, our lives, and even provides us with rates and credit cards and gives us the appearance of happiness.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Powerful
Image of Jose Mujica
My goal is to achieve a little less injustice in Uruguay, to help the most vulnerable and to leave behind a political way of thinking, a way of looking at the future that will be passed on and used to move forward. There's nothing short-term, no victory around the corner. I will not achieve paradise or anything like that. What I want is to fight for the common good to progress. Life slips by. The way to prolong it is for others to continue your work.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Powerful
Image of Jose Mujica
It has always been like that with changes. In 1913, we established divorce as a right for women in Uruguay. You know what they were saying back then? That families would dissolve. That it was the end of good manners and society. There has always been a conservative and traditional opinion out there that's afraid of change. When I was young and would go dancing at balls, we'd have to wear suits and ties. Otherwise they wouldn't let us in. I don't think anyone dresses up for dancing parties nowadays.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Powerful
Image of Jose Mujica
From afar, it seems like a war without a solution and like a long sacrifice for the entire country. So when a president appears who tries to open a path to peace, I think that deserves support, because there is a lot of pain, and if they try to settle scores, the war will never end. But there is an opportunity. I would feel selfish if I did not help in any way.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Country
Image of Jose Mujica
I was no assassin. I got out during the amnesty because I had not committed any violent crimes.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Assassins
Image of Jose Mujica
Help does not mean to intervene. I will not meddle if I am not invited to do so. But if I can serve as a go-between with my experience, I will support the government's call for dialogue with the rebel forces who also have their problems, who also have their fears. I think all us Latin Americans have to help.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Powerful
Image of Jose Mujica
I may appear to be an eccentric old man... But this is a free choice.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Men
Image of Jose Mujica
What's sad is that an 80-year-old grandpa has to be the open-minded one. Old people aren't old because of their age, but because of what's in their heads. They are horrified at this, but they aren't horrified at what's happening in the streets?
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Powerful
Image of Jose Mujica
I've seen some springs that ended up being terrible winters. We human beings are gregarious. We can't live alone. For our lives to be possible, we depend on society. It's one thing to overturn a government or block the streets. But it's a different matter altogether to create and build a better society, one that needs organization, discipline and long-term work. Let's not confuse the two of them. I want to make it clear: I feel sympathetic with that youthful energy, but I think it's not going anywhere if it doesn't become more mature.
- Jose Mujica
Collection: Powerful