Jonathan Taylor Thomas

Image of Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Success is not in never failing, but rising everytime you fall!
- Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Collection: Success
Image of Jonathan Taylor Thomas
I wouldn't recommend young kids see 'Speedway Junkie.' It's definitely an age-appropriate movie - dark and realistic and edgy. If young kids want to see me, go see the Christmas movie.
- Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Collection: Christmas
Image of Jonathan Taylor Thomas
I think at this point, I'd eventually like to work behind the camera. That's not to say I would never act again, I'm not quite sure to be honest.
- Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Image of Jonathan Taylor Thomas
An education is a more surefire guarantee that you have possibilities opened to you.
- Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Image of Jonathan Taylor Thomas
I can't tell you how many shows I've done with full-blown migraine headaches.
- Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Image of Jonathan Taylor Thomas
It's difficult to have any animosity towards someone if you recognize that on so many levels they're exactly the same as you.
- Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Image of Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Hanson? Yeah, I've heard of them, I saw them perform and they have an interesting sound. I wish them every success.
- Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Collection: Interesting
Image of Jonathan Taylor Thomas
I never took the fame too seriously. It was a great period in my life, but it doesn't define me.
- Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jonathan Taylor Thomas
To sit in a big library amongst books and students, that was pretty cool. It was a novel experience for me.
- Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Collection: Book