John Ziman

Image of John Ziman
The physics of undergraduate text-books is 90% true; the contents of the primary research journals of physics is 90% false.
- John Ziman
Collection: Book
Image of John Ziman
Ethics is not just an abstract intellectual discipline. It is about the conflicts that arise in trying to meet real human needs and values.
- John Ziman
Collection: Real
Image of John Ziman
The 'size' of science has doubled steadily every 15 years. In a century this means a factor of 100. For every single scientific paper or for every single scientist in 1670, there were 100 in 1770, 10,000 in 1870 and 1,000,000 in 1970.
- John Ziman
Collection: Mean
Image of John Ziman
A new scientific theory is seldom stated with such clarity by its original author, and usually takes many years to creep into public conciousness.
- John Ziman
Collection: Years
Image of John Ziman
The physics of undergraduate text-books is 90% true.
- John Ziman
Collection: Truth