John C. Maxwell

Image of John C. Maxwell
By the time I went to the pulpit, the vision was never on the same level as when God first gave it to me; it was clearer and bigger. It was better because the body of Christ complemented what God had given me. So when I gave the vision to the congregation, the influencers already bought it. Then after the people have heard my message, and migrate to the influencers, these influencers are already my allies and help me communicate the vision to the congregation.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: People
Image of John C. Maxwell
There is something to be said about a pastor and a church that develop a missions statement and the people take ownership of it. They get their identity, purpose, and energy from the unique place their church is to be in that community.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Unique
Image of John C. Maxwell
If the church is going to make a difference, it will need to go through the "big give-up" stage. Churches will need to quit being selfish and become relevant.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Giving Up
Image of John C. Maxwell
There are a lot of pastors who have a vision and have not yet seen it become a reality.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Reality
Image of John C. Maxwell
If something can be done 80% as well by someone else, delegate!
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Done
Image of John C. Maxwell
Leaders should get out of their comfort zone but stay in their strength zone. When their work lies within their natural gifting and strengths, leaders experience the greatest return in productivity and contentment. Life is too short to live in the comfort zone, where growing and accomplishing and achieving your potential takes a back seat. I suggest you refocus if the comfort zone is your leadership priority.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Lying
Image of John C. Maxwell
True Leadership always begins with the inner person.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: True Leader
Image of John C. Maxwell
Leadership, like responsibility, is a voluntary act.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Responsibility
Image of John C. Maxwell
Connecting is vital for any person who wants to achieve success. It is essential for anyone who wants to build great relationships. You will only be able to reach your potential-regar dless of your profession or chosen path-when you learn to connect with other people.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: People
Image of John C. Maxwell
True leadership cannot be awarded, appointed, or assigned. It comes only from Influence.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Influence
Image of John C. Maxwell
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Perseverance
Image of John C. Maxwell
Do you want to come climb the transformationa l leadership mountain with me? Your first step begins with DESIRE. Do you want to make a difference in the lives of others? If your answer is yes, you can be that agent of change you wish to see around the world!
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Differences
Image of John C. Maxwell
Vision without passion is a picture without possibilities.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Passion
Image of John C. Maxwell
Presence is a result of confidence. Presence... when we see it we feel it.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Results
Image of John C. Maxwell
If you treat every person you meet as if he or she were the most important person in the world, you'll communicate that he or she is somebody - to you.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Important
Image of John C. Maxwell
Without leadership ability,a person's impact is only a fraction of what it could be with good leadership.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Impact
Image of John C. Maxwell
Inability to make decisions is one of the principal reasons executives fail.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Decision
Image of John C. Maxwell
We are to get wisdom and understanding, yet we are not to lean on it apart from the Lord.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Wisdom
Image of John C. Maxwell
The most successful people in life are the ones who settle their critical issues early and manage them daily.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Motivational
Image of John C. Maxwell
A person's level of income and their desire to give have nothing to do with one another.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Motivational
Image of John C. Maxwell
Some of my best thinking is done by others.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Thinking
Image of John C. Maxwell
Hope sings when all melodies are gone.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Hope
Image of John C. Maxwell
Do you value people who won't benefit you or only those who might contribute in some way to your success? Great team players truly value others as people, and they know and relate to what others value.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Team
Image of John C. Maxwell
If you are not moving forward, the world is passing you by.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Moving
Image of John C. Maxwell
Remember, it’s the finish, not the start, that counts the most in life.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Remember
Image of John C. Maxwell
There’s a difference between listening passively and listening aggressively. To listen with your heart, you have to listen actively.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Heart
Image of John C. Maxwell
The $50 note trick - ask who wants it even after stomping on it - moral is, no matter what we do to it it is still worth $50. We as human beings never lose our value either despite feeling down, flat or worthless at times.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Feeling Down
Image of John C. Maxwell
Now more than ever I am aware that a person's significant birthdays can either mark the passage of time, or they can mark changes they've made in their lives to reach their potential and become the person they were created to be. With each passing year, I want to make good choices that make me a better person, help me become a better leader, and make a positive impact on others.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Motivational
Image of John C. Maxwell
Reflective thinking turns experience into insight.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Wisdom
Image of John C. Maxwell
Those closest to me will determine the level of my success.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Leadership
Image of John C. Maxwell
Don't ever be impressed with goal setting. Be impressed with goal getting.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John C. Maxwell
Because in life, the question is not if you will have problems, but how you are going to deal with them. Stop failing backward and start failing forward!
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Problem
Image of John C. Maxwell
Life doesn't do anything to you. It only reveals your spirit.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Leadership
Image of John C. Maxwell
Why worry about things you can't control when you can keep yourself busy controlling the things that depend on you?
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Worry
Image of John C. Maxwell
Think back to the most important experiences of your life, the highest highs, the greatest victories, the most daunting obstacles overcome. How many happened to you alone? I bet there are very few. When you understand that being connected to others is one of life's greatest joys, you realize that life's best comes when you initiate and invest in solid relationships.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Motivational
Image of John C. Maxwell
Ninety percent of those who fail are not actually defeated; they simply quit. ... As you face bad experiences, it's important for you to remember that you can rarely see the benefits while you're in the midst of them. You usually gain perspective on the other side of it.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Perspective
Image of John C. Maxwell
Success is achieved in inches, not miles.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Inches
Image of John C. Maxwell
Experience teaches nothing, but evaluated experience teaches everything.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Motivational
Image of John C. Maxwell
Goals may give focus, but dreams give power.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Dream
Image of John C. Maxwell
Relational skills are the most important abilities in leadership.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Communication
Image of John C. Maxwell
One is too small a number to achieve greatness.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Leadership
Image of John C. Maxwell
Doing the right thing daily, compounds over time.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John C. Maxwell
If you are willing to change your thinking, you can change your feelings. If you change your feelings, you can change your actions. And changing your actions - based on good thinking - can change your life.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Thinking
Image of John C. Maxwell
Of all the things a leader should fear, complacency heads the list.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Leader
Image of John C. Maxwell
The true test of relationships is not only how loyal someone is when we fail, but how thrilled they are when we succeed.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Loyal
Image of John C. Maxwell
The primary limitation in life is our low expectations for ourselves and others. When we expect minimum results, that's usually what we get.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Christian
Image of John C. Maxwell
Attitudes are nothing more than habits of thought.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Attitude
Image of John C. Maxwell
Many people help construct our attitudes at a certain time and place.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Attitude