Joanna Newsom

Image of Joanna Newsom
I don't look at people's expressions, because I still get nervous when I play, especially when I first put the harp up there. I just try to tune - it takes me a half-hour to tune, and I get nervous if I look at anybody when I do it.
- Joanna Newsom
Collection: Expression
Image of Joanna Newsom
Families of privilege and money would have harps in their parlors, and their cultured daughters would learn to play. It's got such a strange history. But that wasn't the context that I learned it in, so the inherent friction between that history and the more humanist folk-y history wasn't in my conscience at all.
- Joanna Newsom
Collection: Daughter
Image of Joanna Newsom
There's something fundamental to the harp that has retained its appeal my whole life. It's an instrument I am just in love with.
- Joanna Newsom
Collection: Fundamentals
Image of Joanna Newsom
I have a lot of interest in interior rhyming; not just rhyming at the end of the lines, but playing around with rhymes within the lines, playing with where the syllabic emphases in the sentences are, lining those up at strange moments in the line of the song. I’m not sure if that comes across or not.
- Joanna Newsom
Collection: Song
Image of Joanna Newsom
I didn't sing for years and years, but I started playing harp when I was maybe 9 or 10. I had actually wanted to play for years leading up to that, but no teacher in our little town would take me on as a student, because I was too young.
- Joanna Newsom
Collection: Teacher