Joanna Lumley

Image of Joanna Lumley
I cut the labels out of my clothes because they scratch. Clothes are just little workhorses, aren't they?
- Joanna Lumley
Image of Joanna Lumley
If you haven't understood that if you are born you die, you scarcely deserve to be able to be alive.
- Joanna Lumley
Image of Joanna Lumley
I love a cardboard coffin. Both Mummy and Daddy went off in cardboard coffins, painted - Daddy's was rifle green. Beautifully made.
- Joanna Lumley
Image of Joanna Lumley
In petrol stations on the motorways where people have left the place looking messy, I clear up each lavatory I happen to have occupied. When people drop paper on the ground, and everything like that, I pick it up, put it in the lavatory, and make that room look nice.
- Joanna Lumley
Image of Joanna Lumley
Even clingfilm - if it's gone over a salad bowl, take it off, use it again. I wash out carrier bags; I save brown paper from parcels. I save string; I save ribbons. I separate all my bits and pieces.
- Joanna Lumley
Image of Joanna Lumley
I'm three quarters Scottish, but I sound English. I don't really see British as a race.
- Joanna Lumley
Image of Joanna Lumley
Romance is quite an overblown word. This idea of chocolates and champagne and that's it. There's more to love than that. Romance is quite a soppy word. Love is much more important.
- Joanna Lumley
Image of Joanna Lumley
I used to panic and get rattled when I was young, but as I've got older, I've started literally to live day to day. With age, you work out what matters.
- Joanna Lumley
Image of Joanna Lumley
I was 21 and had been going out with my boyfriend for two years when I found out I was pregnant - despite being told by doctors that I was sterile. Jamie's father and I hadn't discussed marriage, and to me, it wasn't something to be entered into just to stop gossip.
- Joanna Lumley
Image of Joanna Lumley
You must swear never to go on the dole. Never be bored. Find something to do. And don't yawn.
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Bored
Image of Joanna Lumley
To be a judge you don't have to know about books, you have to be skilled at picking shrapnel out of your head.
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Book
Image of Joanna Lumley
I don't feel like I am 66 at all. I feel more like I am 35. But I have a bus pass so it must be true.
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Bus
Image of Joanna Lumley
Learn from nature. Stuff lives and stuff dies all the time, you know. Animals and birds and flowers. Trees come and go, and we come and go. Thats it. So we should all seize life and make the most of what we have while we can.
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Flower
Image of Joanna Lumley
Sure, good things can go badly wrong. Nevertheless, there's always another day.
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Another Day
Image of Joanna Lumley
I prefer not to eat food that has a face.
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Food
Image of Joanna Lumley
I am blessed beyond the realms of blessedness, and easily the greatest pleasure is giving it away
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Blessed
Image of Joanna Lumley
Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away into the next room.
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Remembrance
Image of Joanna Lumley
I think handbags, not so much clothes anymore, but I think you can tell a fashion victim by their handbag.
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Fashion
Image of Joanna Lumley
I've been given this blessing, which is my granddaughter. You're no longer just you. You suddenly fit into the chest of drawers of life.
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Blessing
Image of Joanna Lumley
The Treorchy Male Choir's version of "Myfanwy" is one of the most glorious things I've ever heard in all my long life. Love and congratulations to you all.
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Congratulations
Image of Joanna Lumley
I am now an old lioness, if I see my young ones getting out of order, I've got to be able to say to them this is not how lions behave. This is not right.
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Order
Image of Joanna Lumley
I find it a great antidote lipstick and mirrors and hairspray.
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Joanna Lumley
I dont think men are that attracted by glamour. I think women are attracted by glamour. I think men are attracted by a sense of friendship.
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Men
Image of Joanna Lumley
They [granddaughters] went to Disneyland and Alice proudly told Snow White: 'My grandmother is a famous atlas!' So that's nice - they're happy that I'm an atlas!
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Joanna Lumley
Theyre not group animals, theyre completely solitary, so if the babys mother is taken away, theres no system of aunts ... their whole system is destroyed.
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Mother
Image of Joanna Lumley
Film work is hard work. It's long days, and quite often quite dismaying locations you have to be in.
- Joanna Lumley
Collection: Hard Work