Jesy Nelson

Image of Jesy Nelson
Remember we're all human and we all have our good days and bad days and days when we feel banging and other days when we feel absolutely rotten and that's ok.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
As long as I'm happy with myself and mentally happy, it doesn't matter what other people think. Everyone's always going to have an opinion, you can't stop that.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
I wasn't just known as one of the singers in Little Mix, I was known as 'the fat, ugly one'.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
I didn't want to annoy anyone or be seen as a diva.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
Back then I just thought everyone hated me. But no, actually, they're doing it because they feel bad about themselves. So now when I look at trolls being nasty, I feel a bit sorry for them.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
I would leave halfway through a photoshoot, because I couldn't bear looking at myself or being in front of a camera. I used to feel disgusted in myself.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
I had a routine of waking up, going on Twitter, searching for the worst things I could about myself.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
I'd become a bit of a joke. People would make memes, chopping my head off in a group photo and putting a monster or ET on there. I'd be in live Q&As and these things would pop up and I'd have to just sit there.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
I could see that I was losing weight and sometimes I'd see a few good comments and that spiralled me to be like: 'This is how I need to stay.' No one cares whether your performance was good, or if you sounded great.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
But it wasn't until I deleted Twitter that everything changed for me and I slowly started to feel normal again.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
I went from someone who really wanted to perform from a really young age - that was all I knew - to going on 'X-Factor', which I thought was going to be the most incredible experience ever and it becoming the worst experience of my life.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
I honestly think if I had been a solo artist, it wouldn't have been as bad. Because I was being compared to three other girls, it made people have more of an opinion. If I had been on my own, there would be no one to compare to.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
I never had an issue with my weight or how I looked before 'X-Factor' or social media and then as soon as I got it, I slowly mentally started to believe everything people were saying about me.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
I think because we were a girl group, there was such a stigma, so we had to engage with fans - social media was such a big part of our journey.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
You're all beautiful in your own unique ways and there is no one in the world like you and that is what makes us special.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
I definitely want to get married, that's for sure. When that will be, I don't know.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
I will never, ever sit here and say, 'Oh my God, I'm so confident now, I love myself', because I don't.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
I'm not really sure if I want kids. It's never really been on my agenda.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
I think I feel like a kid myself, so it's quite a scary thought having kids. I don't think I'm ever not going to feel like a child myself.
- Jesy Nelson
Image of Jesy Nelson
Always be yourself. There's only one you. You should embrace anything that you don't like about yourself because that's individual and that's you.
- Jesy Nelson
Collection: Being Yourself
Image of Jesy Nelson
Your insecurities are what makes you different and who you are. If we all were the same, it'd be boring.
- Jesy Nelson
Collection: Insecurity
Image of Jesy Nelson
I truly believe that you can do anything if you just believe in yourself.
- Jesy Nelson
Collection: Believe
Image of Jesy Nelson
I try never to compare myself to other people. I just think this is who I am. You are happier when you think that way.
- Jesy Nelson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jesy Nelson
Just wear what you want, if you like something that's all that matters. Dress for yourself not for other people.
- Jesy Nelson
Collection: People
Image of Jesy Nelson
I'm not going on a diet, I'm not trying to lose weight, because your insecurities are what make you different and if everyone looked the same, it'd be boring.
- Jesy Nelson
Collection: Girl
Image of Jesy Nelson
You don't have to be perfect to be a popstar.
- Jesy Nelson
Collection: Perfect
Image of Jesy Nelson
If you want to wear something, all that matters is that you love it, not what other people think. Learn to love yourself!
- Jesy Nelson
Collection: Love You
Image of Jesy Nelson
When I was younger I got bullied about the way I looked and I thought once I was older it would stop. I hated going to school, but didn't know who to talk to about it. It knocked my confidence a lot.
- Jesy Nelson
Collection: School