Jessica Walter

Image of Jessica Walter
When I read a script, I have to see the funny, and if I can see it's funny, it helps me to be able to transmit that.
- Jessica Walter
Collection: Funny
Image of Jessica Walter
Some movie I was in, I forget which one, some awful little movie, a reviewer said, What is Jessica Walter doing in this movie? And I said, Hello? Trying to make a living?
- Jessica Walter
Image of Jessica Walter
I think that she's a great dame. I'm crazy for Lucille.
- Jessica Walter
Image of Jessica Walter
I must confess I took a couple or three jobs just for the money.
- Jessica Walter
Image of Jessica Walter
Desperate? That can be a justification for all kinds of behavior.
- Jessica Walter
Image of Jessica Walter
My daughter, I'm proud to say, is senior vice president of ABC Family network. She could hire and fire me. She has hired me, but she has not fired me.
- Jessica Walter
Image of Jessica Walter
Nobody can hide their birthdays anymore, so there's no point in lying.
- Jessica Walter
Image of Jessica Walter
I don't think comedy is something you learn. I think it's something that's either there or it's not.
- Jessica Walter
Image of Jessica Walter
I never had a doubt about wanting to be an actress, but certainly when there were periods of unemployment, I would think, "Oh, I'm never going to work again." The only thing I don't like about it is the business part of it - the negotiating and all this stuff that you don't learn in school. I'm not good with business.
- Jessica Walter
Collection: School
Image of Jessica Walter
I don't think comedy is something you learn. I think it's something that's either there or it's not. When I read a script, I have to see the funny, and if I can see it's funny, it helps me to be able to transmit that.
- Jessica Walter
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jessica Walter
It's not that difficult to find the rage or the anger. We all have that in us, and luckily, actors and actresses get to portray it, and it's not frowned upon. Everybody has that in them. Everybody has wanted to kill somebody at one time or another. Everybody has been really, really angry about something, so if you just call on that in yourself, you find it's not that difficult.
- Jessica Walter
Collection: Actresses