Jerry Della Femina

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Nothing kills a bad product faster than good advertising.
- Jerry Della Femina
Collection: Marketing
Image of Jerry Della Femina
Sometimes, the advertising is better than the product. Nothing kills a bad product faster than good advertising. Everyone tries the thing and never buys it again.
- Jerry Della Femina
Collection: Trying
Image of Jerry Della Femina
From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor.
- Jerry Della Femina
Collection: Pearls
Image of Jerry Della Femina
Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half. Advertising is the most fun you can have with your clothes on.
- Jerry Della Femina
Collection: Fun
Image of Jerry Della Femina
Everybody sat around thinking about Panasonic, the Japanese electronics account. Finally I decided, what the hell, I'll throw a line to loosen them up. 'The headline is, the headline is: From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor.'
- Jerry Della Femina
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jerry Della Femina
The Creative Revolution is over. Everybody is justholding onto their jobs and no one is ever going to say toa client... ‘Buy this or I’ll resign your account.’ You don’tdo it anymore. It’s now, the majority of the time... ‘How do you like it? When can I change it for you?’
- Jerry Della Femina
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jerry Della Femina
I'm hard-nosed about luck. I think it sucks. Yeah, if you spend seven years looking for a job as a copywriter, and then one day somebody gives you a job, you can say, Gee, I was lucky I happened to go up there today. But, dammit, I was going to go up there sooner or later in the next seventy years. If you're persistent in trying and doing and working, you almost make your own fortune.
- Jerry Della Femina
Collection: Determination
Image of Jerry Della Femina
I learned much from my father just by watching his example. If I saw him hold a door open for someone, I learned to do the same. Kids always observe their parents and I always watched my daddy.
- Jerry Della Femina
Collection: Father
Image of Jerry Della Femina
Because I'm in advertising, not electricity!
- Jerry Della Femina
Collection: Advertising
Image of Jerry Della Femina
Marketers are making retirement respectable. Instead of being the beginning of the end, it sounds like Nirvana-do what you want without any responsibilities. The boomers think that they're 16. Marketers try to keep the charade going. Retirement will look so good, others are going to be jealous.
- Jerry Della Femina
Collection: Retirement