Jeremy Irons

Image of Jeremy Irons
I've always thought of characters like advent calendars. You have Christmas and you have all the little doors over the windows and every day you're allowed to open one more as it gets towards Christmas and you see more and more about what's inside that house.I remember as a kid being fascinated by that and I've always thought of my character as a little bit like that. I like to have secrets and slowly let those secrets out to the audience, sometimes never let them out, but let them see as you open the shutters, open and see a little bit more of a character.
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Character
Image of Jeremy Irons
Never played a video game. Actually, I try to keep them out of my house.
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Games
Image of Jeremy Irons
Mine is an actor's voice, not a singer's voice, but the part was written for an actor (Richard Burton), not a singer.
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Voice
Image of Jeremy Irons
I was educated in a private school in England amongst people who had been trained for sort of banking or the Army or business. As I came towards the end of my education, I thought I must find something or I'll never meet any of these people again.
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: School
Image of Jeremy Irons
Anywhere I can ski in the morning and sell a movie in the afternoon is good.
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Morning
Image of Jeremy Irons
I find what I call the [bleep] side of the industry very difficult. You won't see me at other peoples' premiers. I mean, I go to my own premiers because I have to help my film, but I don't enjoy that whole side of it. I don't enjoy celebrityhood. I love getting a seat in a restaurant. I love it when people say hi when I don't know them. I mean, that's fine, but apart from that, I like the elements of celebrityhood which make living in the world like living in your own village.
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Mean
Image of Jeremy Irons
I've always believed that the great strength of the Internet is that it allows us to communicate with each other, it allows debate. And I think that gay marriage is a huge step forward. But debate is throwing ideas about, and when it becomes sort of a weapon of character assassination, I think that's crazy. I think the situation in America is different from in England, where we have civil partnership, and now the vote on gay marriage has been carried, and whether it will go through Parliament I don't know.
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Crazy
Image of Jeremy Irons
Could a father not marry his son?
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Father
Image of Jeremy Irons
Same-sex marriage will lead to "fathers marrying sons."
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Sex
Image of Jeremy Irons
I think I'm probably an assassin and not a Templar, but no doubt we're probably run by people with Templar mentalities.
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Running
Image of Jeremy Irons
The sad thing about any business I suppose, but in mine you see it particularly, is that you’re always asked to do what you’ve already done.
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Done
Image of Jeremy Irons
The work I prefer to do are the smaller budget pictures, television can be great but it ties you up for quite a long time.
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Ties
Image of Jeremy Irons
And trust, yes, which is important, but that is what I aim towards. Now that is difficult for some people, and with that desire to get things as good as possible, I would say that I’m probably regarded as quite prickly to work with.
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: People
Image of Jeremy Irons
An acting assistant stage manager in a theater in Canterbury, a rep theater. A small wage but just enough to get by on, and I made props, and I walked on, and I changed scenery, and I realized that I just loved it.
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Love
Image of Jeremy Irons
I try to avoid doing movies where I act with tennis balls. It's ultimately incredibly tedious.
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Tennis
Image of Jeremy Irons
I'm a complete libertarian. I think it's very, very dangerous. I really mean that. I think the smoking ban is a tip of an iceberg of society - the leaders of society telling us how to be. I think it's not their business. It's an attitude where the governors think, 'We know what's best for people, and they're so stupid that they would only not do it if we ban it.'
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Attitude
Image of Jeremy Irons
You have to communicate on a much greater scale. With a camera, you can use the flick of an eye. On stage, a lot of other things are happening that can pull focus or energy. You're always thinking the same way, but you have to amplify your thoughts with the volume of your speech and the ways you use your whole body to communicate what you're feeling. It's a little bit different from film.
- Jeremy Irons
Collection: Eye