Jennifer Pahlka

Image of Jennifer Pahlka
We have this idea of bureaucracy in local government, and it's generally things that we're frustrated at. It doesn't work the way we like it to work.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Government
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
We're not going to fix government until we fix citizenship.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Motivation
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
Are we just going to be a crowd of voices, or are we going to be a crowd of hands?
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Hands
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
Our ability to do great things with data will make a real difference in every aspect of our lives.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Real
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
Government is supposed to be about how we do things together, and we can do that much more together if we use technology smartly right now.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Technology
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
If you dont tolerate any risk, you can never innovate.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Risk
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
When one neighbor helps another, we strengthen our communities.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Community
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
When there are more males in the industry to begin with, it just has a more male feel, and that pushes the girls away.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Girl
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
We have to make bureaucracy sexy.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Sexy
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
A neighbor is a far better and cheaper alternative to government services.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Government
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
Government is like a vast ocean and politics is the six-inch layer on top.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Ocean
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
Now, a lot of people have given up on government. And if youre one of those people, I would ask that you reconsider, because things are changing. Politics is not changing; government is changing.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Government
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
You might not think of something like TurboTax as a civic venture, but that product took a confusing interface to a government process and made it simpler and easier to use for citizens.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
We say that word [bureaucracy] with such contempt. But it's that contempt that keeps this thing that we own and we pay for as something that's working against us.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Pay
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
[The Internet generation is] not fighting that battle about who gets to speak; they all get to speak.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
A lot of [bureaucratic] rules were created a long time ago when there were different challenges, and they are now causing negative side effects.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Long
Image of Jennifer Pahlka
We cant do without government, but we do need it to be more effective.
- Jennifer Pahlka
Collection: Government