Jay Baer

Image of Jay Baer
Everything ultimately comes down to trust.
- Jay Baer
Collection: Social Media
Image of Jay Baer
Inspiration doesn't respond to meeting requests. You can't schedule greatness.
- Jay Baer
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Jay Baer
For decades, the key question has been 'how valuable is the brand?' The key question moving forward is 'how valuable are your apps?'
- Jay Baer
Collection: Moving
Image of Jay Baer
Stop creating reports, and start creating understanding.
- Jay Baer
Collection: Creating
Image of Jay Baer
Every page of content you've created could be the first interaction with your web site.Think of every page as a home page.
- Jay Baer
Collection: Home
Image of Jay Baer
For many businesses, the fear behind their social media reluctance isn't just fear of failure but of blame and accountability - both individual and collective.
- Jay Baer
Collection: Media
Image of Jay Baer
When brands talk about themselves in real time, it’s just boring faster.
- Jay Baer
Collection: Real
Image of Jay Baer
Text is the gateway drug to real time marketing.
- Jay Baer
Collection: Real
Image of Jay Baer
In 2012, 40 of the top companies to work for were also among the top companies in social media.
- Jay Baer
Collection: Media
Image of Jay Baer
This is the bar your content has to clear on social: "Are you more interesting to me than my wife?"
- Jay Baer
Collection: Interesting
Image of Jay Baer
The entirety of the world's knowledge is in your pants right now.
- Jay Baer
Collection: World
Image of Jay Baer
Content pays an ongoing information annuity that other forms of marketing simply do not.
- Jay Baer
Collection: Marketing
Image of Jay Baer
Worry more about being social, and worry less about doing social media
- Jay Baer
Collection: Worry Less
Image of Jay Baer
The biggest benefit of doing an interview podcast is the relationships you build.
- Jay Baer
Collection: Benefits