Jaime Preciado

Image of Jaime Preciado
We're not just a band playing songs, we're a safe place to go forget your troubles.
- Jaime Preciado
Collection: Song
Image of Jaime Preciado
Hi, my name is Jaime and I play bass, and I have dumb hair.
- Jaime Preciado
Collection: Hair
Image of Jaime Preciado
I think working with our producer Dan Cornith, he was in the same boat with us. We tracked in rooms in a huge warehouse just to give it a try. We didn't know what it was going to sound like - it might have sounded horrible, but it ended up sounding really good, just trying new things. It was a lot of fun.
- Jaime Preciado
Collection: Fun
Image of Jaime Preciado
I think we're always trying to push ourselves to do new things.
- Jaime Preciado
Collection: Thinking