Jabari Parker

Image of Jabari Parker
Old cars have things to say. With an old car, you have to be extra observant about everything. You have to listen and pay attention - to how the engine sounds, where the oil levels are at, if it's running hot, all of that. You've gotta be tuned in, and I like that. New cars, to me they just feel like plain sheets of metal.
- Jabari Parker
Collection: Car
Image of Jabari Parker
I want to be just like Michael Jordan. Chicago greats get noticed around the city. People have a lot of respect for them. I look up to those guys a lot. I want to be part of that family.
- Jabari Parker
Collection: Respect
Image of Jabari Parker
Mostly in high school, when peer pressure took its big hold on me, that's when I started getting into my faith, and that helped me out so much.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I want to show good sportsmanship.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
You know I'm a Chicago kid, and Chicago will always have a big piece of my heart. But with Milwaukee - for me it was just love at first sight. As soon as I got here, I was like, Wow, this is the place for me.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
Milwaukee, man... it's home.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
We carry home with us, all the good and the bad and the in-between.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
Going back and getting my degree is something that I promised myself and my mom the day I called her and my dad to tell them that I was entering the draft. Not a lot of people in my family can say they got a college diploma, so I want to do that - for them and for me.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I know what it was like to grow up in Chicago and see the same problems every day.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
Black Lives Matter and police brutality are issues that are important to me.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I wanted to be like Juwan Howard, whose basketball camp I went to as kid for six years. Those camps meant everything to me and my friends. We'd all seen Juwan on TV and then... there he was. In our gym. We could see him. We could give him a high five.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
As a basketball player, you dream of being able to play in front of your hometown. And if you're lucky, other guys from your city are right there beside you.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I believe that if you love what you do, and you work hard at it, everything falls in place.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
Yeah, I've had injuries.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
Growing up, I admired old cars. In Chicago, on the South Side, people didn't have the newest cars, but one thing I always noticed was that they took good care of their cars. It was a pride thing. Even if you had a funky Oldsmobile, you kept it clean. You changed the oil. You took a toothbrush to the rims.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I'm lucky to have the support and the platform I have, and I plan on making the most of it.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
We might all come from different places, but home means something - something powerful - to each of us.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
Look at everybody in the league. They don't pay players to play defense.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I've scored 30s and 20s off of guys who say they try to play defense.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
We're professionals, everybody scores. It's just a matter of limiting them as much as you can and trying to contain them.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I love sleep. I find sleep to be a hobby.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I always pray before the game. I have a big-time belief in that. It just gives me that extra boost, the confidence, the faith that I'm going to play and be safe.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I love spilling my creativity on paper. I just draw.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I want to always serve other people. It could be the youngest guy in the gym that looks up to me or the oldest fella. I just want to be there for them.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I just want to be a good person, to be a good man for my family, and to my community and just to keep on playing this game that I love.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I try to fulfill my role and my responsibility as much as I can.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
My role is what I make it to be. That's just playing the right way, being a good teammate and hopefully everything else takes care of itself.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
If I can't defend my opponent and if he scores as much I'm scoring then he won the matchup.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
When you really struggle at one thing, you don't take it for granted.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
Kids are cruel.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
You don't want to endorse hate; you don't want to endorse racism. You don't want to support controversy.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I was named after a Muslim.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
When it comes to me not supporting Donald Trump, it's pretty much correlated to the things he has said.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
My mother is basically an immigrant because she came from Tonga.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
Basketball is not who I am; it's what I do.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
Everybody knows I hate attention.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I'm always looking toward the next game. You're only as good as your last one. That keeps me going.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I'm never satisfied.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
You can't know who you are unless you know where you came from and give praise to those who laid the foundation.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I really want to be a philanthropist.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
It's always good to have people from my school accomplish great things. It doesn't necessarily have to be just basketball. I want to see more people do other things from my school.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I think people know about my love for cars - my infatuation for cars.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I'm just always around my cars. My favorite brand is Cadillac.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I really wasn't a guy that idolizes fame and self-glorification.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I think what I wanted mostly to experience in college is playing college basketball and learning.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
Really, I've been set up for a good position where Duke is setting me up for a lot of exposure, and it's part of my responsibility to show up for them because the team that we have, I play a really vital role.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
That's what drives me, just to be there for my team.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I don't care what haters think - I'm proud to not stay in Trump hotels.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I don't support someone who endorses hate on other people.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
My mother didn't get her citizenship until much later in life.
- Jabari Parker