Jabari Parker

Image of Jabari Parker
Nobody is different from anyone else, no matter what the situation. We're all equal.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
The NBA is the biggest dream of basketball players, and I'm no different.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
That's what I want to do with my life. Be a good person when all the lights are off. When everybody doesn't need to see you, shine and know that you know you did the right thing at the end of the day.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I'm a really big fan of hip-hop, and I can listen to it before the game, but I'm not that into a lot of profane music.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I don't think a lot of people consider golf a sport. It's kind of a leisure event. I would like to play. And I'd like to learn how to shoot a bow and arrow.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
You can't strip anyone of their dreams of pursuing a job.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I really fantasize a lot because I'm a dreamer.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I know there are a lot of eyes on me.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I want to be treated like everyone else.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
On the Sabbath, I'm supposed to focus on Jesus and the resurrection. But if I don't practice, I let the team down. I don't want my teammates to think that I think I'm special.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I'm trying to be a throwback player and only stick with one team.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I don't look for anything about fame.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
It was always a goal of mine to be in the NBA.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I never support it when people want to play it safe.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
The great players always have that one older player, that one vet they competed against who was older.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
Without my church, without my teaching of good morals, I wouldn't be the Jabari that I am today. It's the foundation that my family stands on. If we do things on a consistent basis that are positive, it'll all work out.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
When you grow up where healthy food isn't easily accessible, you eat a lot of processed food and whatever else is available - McDonalds, fast food, cheap food.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I'm a man of habit.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
You've got to stay in the weight room because those type of exercises relieve stress and tension. It's just like a stretch, when you do weight-lifting programs and regimens.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
Sleep is so essential.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
My parents, they come from different backgrounds. They don't even value money.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I don't put stuff out in the media. I don't do that.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I focus on the team.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I played a lot of 4. Even in high school.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
A lot of people say I do play like Carmelo Anthony. That's just a great saying of my game.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
No matter how far I get into my career, even if I get hurt again, it's just a part of who I am. On the flip, I'm a warrior, I'm a soldier, I get up. As many times as I fell, I've still gotten up, and that's way more rewarding to me than any other thing that I've ever accomplished, and I'm proud of that.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
People in life have those issues - ups and downs - and I'm just a trailblazer to show whatever you do, you always get up. No matter how far you fall, you always get up.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I deal with expectations by not putting myself higher than the team.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I know nobody likes practice, nobody enjoys it, but you have to build some type of excitement and expectation and learn something.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I loved being poor, because it teaches you humility.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
If you can get through losses, you can get through wins.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I pray that God keeps me safe on the floor, and that I'm able to have a good attitude towards my teammates.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
Everyone thinks I'm so different, but it's a good different. My faith keeps me grounded.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
Yeah, as a kid I didn't really have a lot to be proud of.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
My dad is more credible than almost anybody I know. Growing up, I think I took for granted having a father in my life. I know I shouldn't have been like that. A lot of my friends didn't have a father, so for so many people he was the father figure. I look at the way he's lived his life, sacrificing so much.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I want to play at the highest level, the NBA, and one day be one of the greatest basketball players ever.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I have big goals and dreams.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I want a hard-working head coach that will push me.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
My brother, Christian, helps me stay focused and grounded.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I dreamed of playing in college one day, but the bigger dream was to play against the best talent.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I have dreams after basketball.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I don't aspire to be the richest man.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I'm a willing passer. And I rebound.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I can't be complacent and have to be aggressive. Sometimes I can be too nonchalant in a game.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I'm the type of person, I don't like to make a big deal out of problems.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
My dad taught me to be professional, to treat others the way you want to be treated, to be selfless, to give more than you receive and to always give your best effort.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I wouldn't express myself as shy. I have to be in my comfort zone, like everybody else. You have to take time to feel people out. You can't give them too much at once.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
You don't need a ton of moves to get to where you want to be. You don't have to expend energy in a wasteful way. That doesn't mean not playing hard. It means playing smart.
- Jabari Parker
Image of Jabari Parker
I look at myself as one of the silly, goofy kids that walks around the halls and has fun. I'm just like everybody else.
- Jabari Parker