Holliday Grainger

Image of Holliday Grainger
Long scenes of emotion are quite difficult - you've got to build up to them and make sure you're in the right emotional space.
- Holliday Grainger
Collection: Space
Image of Holliday Grainger
I enjoy flitting around between hair colours. I find it fascinating when people think I'm naturally blonde, as I've only been blonde for about two seconds. People pay more attention to you as a blonde; it's also easier for people to assume you're a ditsy young actress. Of course, I am a ditsy young actress - well, maybe not ditsy.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
True love, especially first love, can be so tumultuous and passionate that it feels like a violent journey.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
It's always really surreal, being on a film set, but inside a beautiful, massive scene.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
I'm developing a little crush on Michael Fassbender. Really unoriginal.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
To be able to analyze plays and novels is so relevant to acting.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
I'd love to do more independent films.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
I seem to play a lot of troubled kids.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
I did a year at Leeds, studying English. They basically threw me out, because I was taking too much time off to act. So I transferred to the Open University, because I could do it all online. By that point, I had admitted to myself that I had the acting bug.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
I come from a very loving, stable background where I've been persuaded to just be myself and anything is possible.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
I don't really have any strategy for my career.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
I'm very lucky, as I've never ever felt any pressure from any producer to lose weight, whereas a lot of actresses have.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
'The Borgias' is quite good because it does stick quite steadfastly to historical fact, so a lot of people who are interested in the historical element will love watching it, but they were also a ridiculously dramatic family.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
The media was completely influential in the rise and fall of Bonnie and Clyde.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
I love the opportunity to do lots of different kinds of projects - independent films and big studio epics as well. I'd love to be able to do a mixture.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
Jack Thorne writes so well for messed-up teenage girls.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
I auditioned for a musical, and I can't sing. It was a kid's film musical, not a stage show, so I thought I could get away with it.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
I don't have any massive ambitions to be a movie star.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
I'd like to continue acting as long as I enjoy it.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
You'll always end up filling out a character. It might be with aspects of yourself.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
When I was younger, I was always being told I had a period face, but 'Bel Ami' was my first shot at it.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
As much as I'd love to be a successful actor, the thought of being recognised in the street is petrifying.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
I've got a massive actor girl crush on Carey Mulligan, so I'd love to be buddies with her. She just oozes this joyful, natural innocence and always brings a nice emotional depth to her character.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
I was so tiny when my parents split up that I can't remember them ever being together. That was never an issue, as I guess I never went through the trauma of them splitting up.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
I admire my mother for being a single mum. It's ridiculously hard.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
When you're a child, you take things for granted. For instance, my mum didn't have a lot of money, but I went to piano, ballet and gymnastics lessons, and tae kwon do.
- Holliday Grainger
Image of Holliday Grainger
Like anything, you've gotta find the humanity in the characters.
- Holliday Grainger
Collection: Character
Image of Holliday Grainger
I spoke to friends that have panic attacks, and I spoke to a doctor who has panic attacks, himself. I also did a bit of research into them. It seemed like everyone's version of a panic attack had slightly different physical things. So, I decided to choose my own physical things.
- Holliday Grainger
Collection: Doctors
Image of Holliday Grainger
I love the opportunity to do lots of different kinds of projects - independent films and big studio epics as well.
- Holliday Grainger
Collection: Independent
Image of Holliday Grainger
As much as Id love to be a successful actor, the thought of being recognised in the street is petrifying.
- Holliday Grainger
Collection: Successful
Image of Holliday Grainger
I'm getting more selective, the more I do. As an actor, you want to do a variety of things, but first and foremost, it's the script, the quality of the script and the part. If the script is great and it's a part that I believe and I believe the world, that's rarer than you think.
- Holliday Grainger
Collection: Believe
Image of Holliday Grainger
It's important to know the kind of character that you need to be building up to, throughout the series.
- Holliday Grainger
Collection: Character
Image of Holliday Grainger
I'm selfish when it comes to work. I'm like, "Oh, that will be fun! I wanna do that!" I never think beyond my participation in a project.
- Holliday Grainger
Collection: Fun
Image of Holliday Grainger
I'm so used to taping myself and sending it off and never hearing back. I started to believe that nobody actually ever sees my tapes, apart from my agent.
- Holliday Grainger
Collection: Believe
Image of Holliday Grainger
Its always really surreal, being on a film set, but inside a beautiful, massive scene.
- Holliday Grainger
Collection: Beautiful