Harrison Ford

Image of Harrison Ford
[Jimmy] Breslin's [write] really great book on Branch Rickey. And Branch Rickey himself wrote quite a lot. There's some film and kinescope from television.
- Harrison Ford
Collection: Book
Image of Harrison Ford
Because the character is a fiction, he's a composite of other contributors to the science that brought this enzyme therapy through the process. We had the opportunity to make him up out of those things that helped tell the story. We wanted to create both ally and antagonist for John [in the Extraordinary measures].
- Harrison Ford
Collection: Character
Image of Harrison Ford
My work has always been important to me. The reason I continue to do it is because it’s so much fun for me. I love my work and so that’s what keeps me in the game.
- Harrison Ford
Collection: Fun
Image of Harrison Ford
You know you’re getting old when all the names in your black book have M. D. after them.
- Harrison Ford
Collection: Fun
Image of Harrison Ford
I think you have to be very careful with effects that they don’t overpower the story with the visual element.
- Harrison Ford
Collection: Stories
Image of Harrison Ford
What I look for is identifying what the utility of a character is to the telling of the story overall. If I can identify that from reading the script, then I’ve got a clear idea of whether or not I think the character is worth playing.
- Harrison Ford
Collection: Reading
Image of Harrison Ford
I’m still interested in perfecting whatever talents I have and continuing to grow as an actor and continuing to be useful to the telling of the story.
- Harrison Ford
Collection: Stories