
Image of Goapele
I understand it for marketing purposes, but I've always hated defining myself with a genre. Nothing feels broad enough.
- Goapele
Image of Goapele
Sometimes I'm just like, 'I cannot hold onto this anymore,' and it's time to say something. And at the end of the day, I've just got to let it go and be true to myself. Whatever comes out comes out.
- Goapele
Image of Goapele
I believe in reflecting honesty and reflecting reality in my music and making music that touches people emotionally - music that can bring us together.
- Goapele
Image of Goapele
Close your eyes and see what you believe.
- Goapele
Collection: Believe
Image of Goapele
When I decided to be a musician I was hoping that it would be one of my contributions in having a positive impact on the world. That's always what I wanted to do.
- Goapele
Collection: Impact
Image of Goapele
The difference with a major label and independent is mainly resources. That's the difference that I feel sometimes where I as an artist would have to be more creative and more patient.
- Goapele
Collection: Independent
Image of Goapele
I think as artists we have an opportunity to shed light and share different stories and expose different realities and inspire people and give a different perspective.
- Goapele
Collection: Artist
Image of Goapele
What I really appreciate about the music that I grew up to is that I feel like I can put it on now and still hear something new. It's still relevant. That's how I want my music to be perceived. It's what I strive for.
- Goapele
Collection: Appreciate
Image of Goapele
Our hair can be a fun outlet for self expression. I love wearing cornrows and getting my hair thread-wrapped because it feels ancient and African.
- Goapele
Collection: Fun
Image of Goapele
But I was waiting for some magical moment, that would prove to me, forever would be fine. Meanwhile, my first love was standing first in line.
- Goapele
Collection: First Love