Gloria Swanson

Image of Gloria Swanson
It's amazing to find that so many people, who I thought really knew me, could have thought that 'Sunset Boulevard' was autobiographical. I've got nobody floating in my swimming pool.
- Gloria Swanson
Collection: Sunset
Image of Gloria Swanson
Hollywood's old trick: repeat a successful formula until it dies.
- Gloria Swanson
Collection: Movie
Image of Gloria Swanson
So they were turning, after all - those cameras. Life, which can be strangely merciful, had taken pity on Norma Desmond. The dream she had clung to so desperately had enfolded her. Norma: You see, this is my life. It always will be! (In a whisper) There's nothing else - just us - and the cameras - and those wonderful people out there in the dark. All right, Mr. De Mille, I'm ready for my close-up.
- Gloria Swanson
Collection: Dream
Image of Gloria Swanson
Never say never, for if you live long enough, chances are you will not be able to abide by the simplest of such injunctions.
- Gloria Swanson
Collection: Long
Image of Gloria Swanson
I have gone through a long apprenticeship. I have gone through enough of being a nobody. I have decided that when I am a star, I will be every inch and every moment the star! Everybody from the studio gateman to the highest executive will know it.
- Gloria Swanson
Collection: Stars
Image of Gloria Swanson
At 26, I felt myself a victim rather than a victor in the realm of pictures.
- Gloria Swanson
Collection: Victim
Image of Gloria Swanson
Key West for me was a tropical island paradise.
- Gloria Swanson
Collection: Islands