Gilbert Arenas

Image of Gilbert Arenas
Fans saying a player is overpaid doesn't bother a player. What bothers an injured player is watching your competitors grow.
- Gilbert Arenas
Image of Gilbert Arenas
You get paid on what you did, not what you're gonna do. That's what people don't understand. You get paid on what you did.
- Gilbert Arenas
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I'm an app creator.
- Gilbert Arenas
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I always go against the odds.
- Gilbert Arenas
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I can interact with anybody, but I'm shy.
- Gilbert Arenas
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I think I'm one of the rare people out there who still cares about the game of basketball.
- Gilbert Arenas
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I lived in Washington longer than I have lived anywhere else, so it's considered home, even though I moved back to California.
- Gilbert Arenas
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I feel like most ex-NBA players don't embrace the team they played for.
- Gilbert Arenas
Image of Gilbert Arenas
When I hear about people murdering, I wonder, 'What has to go through your brain to say, I don't want him breathing anymore? What makes you get that angry? How can you take someone's breath away? That just blows my mind.'
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Blow
Image of Gilbert Arenas
The hibachi is coming to a city near you. I'm cooking chicken and shrimp, but if you want to throw a double team my way, filet mignon gets cooked too.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Team
Image of Gilbert Arenas
Everyone is gonna have a bad day, everyone is gonna have a bad game. The questions are: How do you recover? What builds your character? I decided one day early on in high school that I wanted to be great at basketball, not just a good basketball player.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Basketball
Image of Gilbert Arenas
My swag was phenomenal.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Basketball
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I want to be the best at whatever I do. I don't care who gets in the way.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Way
Image of Gilbert Arenas
If your heart is bigger than the biggest guy on the team, then you're the biggest guy on the team.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Team
Image of Gilbert Arenas
Everybody get drunk and make bad decisions.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Drunk
Image of Gilbert Arenas
The thing that happened in Washington -- it happened. All you can do is just grow from it. That took a toll on me. That was probably -- I think if I could've bounced mentally out of that situation faster than I did, I would probably still be in the NBA. But since I couldn't understand why they were trying to treat me like that, I basically gave up. I just didn't want to be a part of it anymore.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Thinking
Image of Gilbert Arenas
Individual honors come with team success.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Team
Image of Gilbert Arenas
When I leave the NBA, I don't want my legacy to be, 'He won a championship ring.' I want my legacy to say: 'He played for the people. He gave everybody in the world hope that they can be just like him.'
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Nba
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I found out this summer how to hook up my Xbox 360 in the hotel and get past security. It took me a while to figure out, but I got it now.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Summer
Image of Gilbert Arenas
It sucks the way the world works. You can do a hundred things for people, but you do one bad mistake and everyone crucifies you and that's all they want to remember.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Mistake
Image of Gilbert Arenas
You know, that's all basketball is. If someone loves something, and you take it away, it's like what does he do now? What does someone do? That's what happened with me.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Basketball
Image of Gilbert Arenas
When I was little, I asked God if I could meet my mom just one more time, and my prayer was answered in 2001. It was weird.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Mom
Image of Gilbert Arenas
Everyone is having sex until they fall in love. When you fall in love, then it's making love.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Gilbert Arenas
If you take away the last few years, from my last year in Washington, and you think about my career, there was nothing but hard work. I was in the gym three or four times a day, working on my skills. If we lost a game, and I thought I played bad, I'm staying in the gym to keep shooting. That's what I did. That's what I was known for: I was a gym rat.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Gilbert Arenas
On the road, I eat hamburgers every day. The team tries to get me to eat differently, but no. Burgers, burgers, burgers. I like burgers. McDonald's burgers. Wendy's burgers. Burger King burgers. There's this one place in Canada - I even look at the schedule to find out when we play there - best burger I've ever tasted. Real soft and sweet. I ate twelve of them in one night.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Sweet
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I lost all feeling a long time ago. Basketball is basketball. It doesn't matter what floor I'm on.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Basketball
Image of Gilbert Arenas
They gave high fives to all the players who say like the most obvious textbook answers in the world. It's like after each game, you already know what they're going to say. If they lost: "Ahh ... Tough loss." It's like, come on, how do you guys fall for that? And if they something that they really feel, everyone goes crazy. Like "Oohh! He's spazzing out!" Now he gotta say sorry for saying something he really felt. It's like, Oh lord.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Sorry
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I'm a jokester, so when I was joking on Twitter, it kinda rubbed people the wrong way. And I was like, I didn't make these up. I'm just letting you know they're there.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: People
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I hate it when you see talented teams with a lot of scorers and they can't get along with each other.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Hate
Image of Gilbert Arenas
It's hard to get recognition when your team is losing.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Team
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I had my house converted to the Colorado altitude, so I am always above sea level.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Sea
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I try not to do the fantasy thing. If I didn't get hurt, what would I be? Who knows? When I look back on my career, from the hard work I put in, I got everything I deserved.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Hurt
Image of Gilbert Arenas
When you're in that zone there's nothing really the defense can do ... It doesn't matter who's sticking you because everything looks good.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Defense
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I want to be the best in whatever I do.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Want
Image of Gilbert Arenas
As happy as I am off the floor, on the floor I am the opposite. I don't take any crap.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Opposites
Image of Gilbert Arenas
A woman gave my dad $400 so we could get an apartment. We were living in a park. That's how we got started: Four hundred bucks, and look at me. When I donate a computer to a school, I never know what's going to come out of it.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Dad
Image of Gilbert Arenas
When something drastic happens in our life, one person goes and hides and doesn't want to be seen. That's what I did. [Others] want to stand up and fight and think they're tough. Like if someone gets shot, you're either scared of guns or you think you're Superman. In my situation, I wanted to hide. I didn't want to be seen anymore.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gilbert Arenas
You have to do everything to help your team out. I have the ability to rebound, so I might as well go and do it to help my team win.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Team
Image of Gilbert Arenas
This sport is just crazy. Your worst enemy in college is your teammate and friend when you get to the NBA. Who would have thought it?
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Sports
Image of Gilbert Arenas
I'm still trying to be a kid. I really don't want to feel like an adult.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Kids
Image of Gilbert Arenas
As a player leaving early, you always look back and wonder what could have been. But you have to be happy with your decisions, because you ultimately have to live with them.
- Gilbert Arenas
Collection: Player