Geneen Roth

Image of Geneen Roth
Hell is wanting to be somewhere different from where you are.
- Geneen Roth
Collection: Different
Image of Geneen Roth
Its not so much that we believe what we see, but that we see what we believe
- Geneen Roth
Collection: Believe
Image of Geneen Roth
When you don't want to be where you are, you create suffering for yourself. Change happens through acceptance, kindness and relaxation--not resistance, not warfare, not fights.
- Geneen Roth
Collection: Kindness
Image of Geneen Roth
It's not life in the present moment that is intolerable; the pain we are avoiding has already happened. We are living in reverse.
- Geneen Roth
Collection: Pain
Image of Geneen Roth
Take time to thank your body.
- Geneen Roth
Collection: Body
Image of Geneen Roth
Our relationship with food - how, when, what and why we eat - is a direct expression of our underlying feelings, thoughts and beliefs about ourselves. It has to do with stances we take that get reflected not only in our relationship with food, but in all our relationships. It just so happens that the relationship with food causes enough conflict, grief, shame and hurt that we’re willing to look at it.
- Geneen Roth
Collection: Hurt
Image of Geneen Roth
And.. are you willing to go all the way? To understand that food is only a stand-in for love and possibility and spirit? Because if you aren't, you will get caught up in gaining and losing weight for the rest of your life. But if you are willing, then the portal to what you say you want is truly on your plate.
- Geneen Roth
Collection: Weight
Image of Geneen Roth
Love includes vulnerability, surrender, self-valuing, steadiness, and a willingness to face - rather than run from - the worst of ourselves.
- Geneen Roth
Collection: Running
Image of Geneen Roth
Women look at their bodies, and they're never thin enough. The financial advisors that I've talked to say they ask their clients, "How much money do you need in order to feel secure?" "X amount." Then, as soon as the client got the amount, it would double automatically.
- Geneen Roth
Collection: Order
Image of Geneen Roth
It's the nature of hearts to break. It's in their job description. When a heart is doing what it's supposed to be doing, it holds nothing back. And sometimes it gets broken.
- Geneen Roth
Collection: Broken Heart
Image of Geneen Roth
If you treat your feelings with as much love as you treat your dog or your cat or your child you'll feel as if you were living in heaven.
- Geneen Roth
Collection: Dog
Image of Geneen Roth
I think we all have a hunger that's hard to name. A lot of people who come to my retreats have never named it before, or else they've named it in church, but they can't actually see the connection between what they're doing with food and this yearning. I call it "the flame" that they have: They yearn for big answers to live a big life. But they have to start with the most basic fears.
- Geneen Roth
Collection: Thinking
Image of Geneen Roth
You can't be stuck if you're not trying to get anywhere. Which, to me, means that when you stop fighting with the way things are, magic happens. You relax, open, and any action you take comes from alignment with what's true.
- Geneen Roth
Collection: Mean