Gary Chapman

Image of Gary Chapman
Emotions are our spontaneous response to life. We have these emotions, but if the emotion is a negative emotion, then I have a choice to say, "I am feeling sad tonight because this happened, but I am not going to let my sadness keep me from engaging my wife in conversation. "
- Gary Chapman
Collection: Sadness
Image of Gary Chapman
Sex is the joining of two bodies; love is the joining of two souls.
- Gary Chapman
Collection: Love
Image of Gary Chapman
Physician Albert Scheweitzer said. " We are all so much together, but we are all dying of loneliness." Professor Leo Buscaglia notes, "There seems to be accumulating evidence that there is actually an inborn need for this togetherness, this human interaction, this love. It seems that without these close ties with other human beings, a new born infant, for example, can regress developmentally, lose consciousness, fall into idiocy and die.
- Gary Chapman
Collection: Loneliness
Image of Gary Chapman
God has the potential of touching people's hearts and changing them.
- Gary Chapman
Collection: Heart
Image of Gary Chapman
Love is reaching out to try to get to the other person.
- Gary Chapman
Collection: Love Is
Image of Gary Chapman
We all desperately need love. If a spouse in a difficult marriage will learn the love language of that spouse, and they will, with the help of God, consistently speak their love language no matter how they are treated.
- Gary Chapman
Collection: Needs
Image of Gary Chapman
We fail to reckon with the reality of human nature. By nature,we are egocentric. Our world revolves around us. None of us is totally altruistic.
- Gary Chapman
Collection: Reality
Image of Gary Chapman
What we do for each other before marriage is no indication of what we will do after marriage.
- Gary Chapman
Collection: Before Marriage
Image of Gary Chapman
I think the tingles are important. They are real, and I am in favor of their survival. But they are not the basis for a satisfactory marriage. I am not suggesting that on should marry without the tingles. Those warm, excited feelings, the chill bumps, that sense of acceptance, the excitement of the touch that make up the tingles serve as the cherry on top of the sundae. But you cannot have a sundae with only the cherry.
- Gary Chapman
Collection: Real
Image of Gary Chapman
I cannot change others, but I can influence others... we can't change people, but we can and we do influence people, and we do it every single day.
- Gary Chapman
Collection: People
Image of Gary Chapman
Gifts need not be expensive; after all, "it's the thuoght that counts." But I remind you, it is not the thought left in your head that counts; it is the gift that came out of the thought that communicates emotional love.
- Gary Chapman
Collection: Emotional
Image of Gary Chapman
Something in our nature cries out to be loved by another. Isolation is devastating to the human psyche. That is why solitary confinement is considered the cruelest of punishments.
- Gary Chapman
Collection: Punishment
Image of Gary Chapman
If you grew up in a dysfunctional family, then there is really no hope for you to have a good relationship. That is another myth that we have to throw off, so that we can get into what I call Reality.
- Gary Chapman
Collection: Reality