G. Edward Griffin

Image of G. Edward Griffin
Many Southern Plantation owners were working towards the day when they could convert their investment to more profitable industrial production as had been done in the North, and others felt that freemen who were paid wages would be more efficient than slaves who had no incentive to work. For the present, however, they were stuck with the system they inherited. They felt that a complete and sudden abolition of slavery with no transition period would destroy their economy and leave many of the former slaves to starve - all of which actually happened in due course.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: War
Image of G. Edward Griffin
Rights and responsibilities are ... different sides of the same coin.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: Responsibility
Image of G. Edward Griffin
The nation's first experiment with the income tax was tried at this time; another violation of the Constitution.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: War
Image of G. Edward Griffin
The Civil War was started over economic issues, not slavery. The War was not popular in the North until the issue of slavery was added at a later time to turn it into a moral crusade.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: War
Image of G. Edward Griffin
No one in America fully understands the constantly changing Internal Revenue Code. Agents of the IRS do not, judges do not, congressmen do not, and most assuredly taxpayers do not.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: America
Image of G. Edward Griffin
In the North, neither greenbacks, taxes, nor war bonds were enough to finance the war. So a national banking system was created to convert government bonds into fiat money, and the people lost over half of their monetary assets to the hidden tax of inflation. In the South, printing presses accomplished the same effect, and the monetary loss was total.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: War
Image of G. Edward Griffin
First, it is providing a means whereby key individuals on its payroll are able to obtain both power and wealth through granting special favors to certain politically influential groups that are subject to its regulation. This activity is similar to the 'protection racket' of organized crime: for a price, one can induce FDA administrators to provide 'protection' from the FDA itself.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: Mean
Image of G. Edward Griffin
1914...Dr. Joseph Goldberger had proven that (pellagra) was related to diet, and later showed that it could be prevented by simply eating liver or yeast. But it wasn't until the 1940's...that the 'modern' medical world fully accepted pellagra as a vitamin B deficiency.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: Dark
Image of G. Edward Griffin
During the fiscal year ending in 1861, expenses of the federal government had been $67 million. After the first year of armed conflict they were $475 million and, by 1865, had risen to one billion, three-hundred million dollars. On the income side of the ledger, taxes covered only about eleven per cent of that figure. By the end of the war, the deficit had risen to $2.61 billion. That money had to come from somewhere.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: War
Image of G. Edward Griffin
The European powers had been anxious to see the United States become embroiled in a civil war and eventually break into two smaller and weaker nations. That would pave the way for their further colonization of Latin American without fear of the Americans being able to enforce the Monroe Doctrine.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: War
Image of G. Edward Griffin
American banks may have been unable to supply adequate loans, but the Rothschild consortium in Britain was both able and willing. It was during this time that the Rothschilds were consolidating their new industrial holdings in the United States through their agent, August Belmont. Derek Wilson tells us: "They owned or had major shareholdings in Central American ironworks, North American canal construction companies, and a multiplicity of other concerns. They became the major importers of bullion from the newly discovered goldfields".
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: War
Image of G. Edward Griffin
...One of the side effects of (surgery, anesthesia,) X-ray..., and chemotherapy, is the suppression...of the patient's immunological defenses...A simple cold often leads to the death from pneumonia - and ('pneumonia') is what appears on the death certificate, not cancer.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: Cancer
Image of G. Edward Griffin
Converting the war into an antislavery crusade was a brilliant move on Lincoln's part, and it resulted in a surge of voluntary recruits into the Union army. But this did not last. Northerners may have disapproved of slavery in the South but, once the bloodletting began in earnest, their willingness to die for that conviction began to wane. [...] Lincoln faced the embarrassing reality that he soon would have no army to carry on the crusade.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: War
Image of G. Edward Griffin
During the Nuremberg trials, Oswald Pohl, an SS Lieutenant General,...is shown here explaining how Farben operated such concentration camps as Auschwitz and Buchenwald.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: Dark
Image of G. Edward Griffin
By...WWII, I.G. Farben had become...part of the most gigantic and powerful cartel of all history...interlocking agreements...over 2,000 of them...In the US, the cartel had established important agreements with
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: Powerful
Image of G. Edward Griffin
If Lincoln's primary goal in the War was not the abolition of slavery but simply to preserve the Union, the question arises: Why did the Union need preserving? Or, more pointedly, why did the Southern states want to secede?
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: War
Image of G. Edward Griffin
And thirdly, the FDA occasionally does some genuine public good with whatever energies it has left over after serving the vested political and commercial interest of its first two activities.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: Dark
Image of G. Edward Griffin
There is no time in American history in which there was more economic conflict between segments of the population than there was prior to the Civil War.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: War
Image of G. Edward Griffin
When the Goths are at the gates, forming study groups and praying for deliverance is not effective defense.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: Study Group
Image of G. Edward Griffin
In 1938, I. G. Farben sent a letter to (a major drug firm), one of its American subsidiaries, (that)..all advertising contracts must contain '...a legal clause whereby the contract is immediately cancelled if overnight the attitude of the paper toward Germany should be changed.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: Attitude
Image of G. Edward Griffin
In the North, the sale of government bonds was the one measure for raising funds that seemed to work. Even that, however, with the lure of compounded interest to be paid in gold at a future date, failed to raise more than about half the needed amount. So the Union faced a real dilemma. The only options remaining were (1) terminate the war or (2) print fiat money. For Lincoln and the Republicans who controlled Congress, the choice was never seriously in doubt.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: Real
Image of G. Edward Griffin
The information that follows is taken primarily...from government hearings and reports published from various Senate and House committees.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: Taken