Frank Langella

Image of Frank Langella
I would rather spend one night with Dracula dead than with my husband alive.
- Frank Langella
Collection: Husband
Image of Frank Langella
It's my job to try to communicate with as little showiness as possible. I was a really showy actor as a young man.
- Frank Langella
Collection: Men
Image of Frank Langella
There's a certain secret every actor must have in his work. If you reveal it, you're letting the audience in on the wrinkles and convolutions of your brain. All I want them to do is to see the effect.
- Frank Langella
Collection: Wrinkles
Image of Frank Langella
Where you are is where it's at.... Don't ever give up & don't ever give in.
- Frank Langella
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Frank Langella
It's also easy to fall back into what's familiar, what feels safe, what you've done before.
- Frank Langella
Collection: Fall
Image of Frank Langella
I just always thought, I love acting and I love writing. And when I haven't got any more good breath and good energy, then I'll write.
- Frank Langella
Collection: Writing
Image of Frank Langella
At this point in my career, I can stand shoulder to shoulder with an actor my age who has chosen to do really awful things, and he will get a job over me.
- Frank Langella
Collection: Age
Image of Frank Langella
My body of work means nothing to me
- Frank Langella
Collection: Mean
Image of Frank Langella
When I closed in "King Lear" I went into a period of depression for about three weeks, and every actor I've talked to who's ever played a major, major Shakespeare role has done this.
- Frank Langella
Collection: Kings
Image of Frank Langella
I had to face within myself all the things I didn't do and wasn't while I was wearing my own crown.
- Frank Langella
Collection: Crowns
Image of Frank Langella
A five-year-old Chinese girl knows more about football than I do.
- Frank Langella
Collection: Girl
Image of Frank Langella
When asked what it takes to succeed in the acting profession, Bette Davis would answer, "The courage to be hated."
- Frank Langella
Collection: Acting
Image of Frank Langella
There is a thing called the death wish, a literal thing. It doesn't mean you want to die. It just means however we're built, as we get into these years, some inner part of you does begin to accept the fact that you're heading towards the end, and there's a peace that comes with that.
- Frank Langella
Collection: Mean
Image of Frank Langella
You can only lead by example, and you can only say it might be better for you if. But nobody can do anything until they're ready to do it. So you can sit down with a strong-minded young man of 24, as my son was at a point, and say now listen, this, this, this, and this.
- Frank Langella
Collection: Strong
Image of Frank Langella
There's nothing like the bravery and the strength and the extraordinary optimism of a five-year-old child in a cancer hospital, fighting to live. It's there inside the spirit.
- Frank Langella
Collection: Children
Image of Frank Langella
Actors want to show off and dance in front of you and get your love, because they don't think they're worthy of it in any other way.
- Frank Langella
Collection: Love Is
Image of Frank Langella
I'm hardly disinterested totally in my appearance
- Frank Langella
Collection: Appearance
Image of Frank Langella
The best kind of kinky sex is to have kinky sex with your wife or husband, the person you love
- Frank Langella
Collection: Sex