Felicity Jones

Image of Felicity Jones
I think good things come out of having tension with the people that you work with. You've got to be arguing in order to produce something interesting. If everyone's just agreeing with each other, you're not going to push the boundaries.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Thinking
Image of Felicity Jones
The British vice is overthinking before we speak, which is really annoying. I love the way that, in America, people are more straightforward. The American vice would be sometimes speaking too loudly. You can always hear American people on the trains!
- Felicity Jones
Collection: People
Image of Felicity Jones
I do sort of appreciate Nelly's [Ternan] view that it would be woman who would suffer mostly from that - who would be ostracized. The rigid societal conventions meant that it was difficult to live outside of them.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Views
Image of Felicity Jones
I want to be paid fairly for the work that I'm doing. That's what every single woman around the world wants. We want to be paid on parity with a man in a similar position. And I think it's important to talk about it.... It's brave of those women to come forward and make a point about it. Now younger actresses will have a confidence in those discussions with their agents and be able to say, "Can we make sure that I'm being paid the right amount for the work that I'm doing?"
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Men
Image of Felicity Jones
I always had a very strong sense of independence. I really liked being able to buy my Alanis Morissette Jagged Little Pill album. I wore that as a badge of honor. I love not having to rely on anyone.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Strong
Image of Felicity Jones
I love not having to rely on anyone.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Rely
Image of Felicity Jones
My mother was in the kind of late-sixties, early-seventies origins of female emancipation. And she was very much like, "You're not going to be defined by how you look. It's going to be about who you are and what you do."
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Mother
Image of Felicity Jones
I think in every character there are aspects of yourself that you bring to it. But then it would be really boring to just play yourself.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Character
Image of Felicity Jones
I've done a lot of very low-budget indie films, so it was just really exciting and fun to be doing a film where there's a lot more time and these huge, vast sets. I was like a kid in a playground. It was amazing!
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Fun
Image of Felicity Jones
I always hope for roles that have some depth and that I can get my teeth into and that will challenge me, in some way.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Challenges
Image of Felicity Jones
What's amazing about the show ["Girls"] - the first (season) is about the girls and then the second (season) is about the boys as well. There's something so human about it.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Girl
Image of Felicity Jones
We live in a time where it's more surprising if people are actually together than if they're having affairs.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: People
Image of Felicity Jones
Women want to be paid on parity with a man in a similar position.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Men
Image of Felicity Jones
I cannot stand beer. But I love wine.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Wine
Image of Felicity Jones
I was a tomboy running around in the garden. I used to play on a local cricket team. I grew up with all boy cousins, for the most part, and my brother. My mother was in the kind of late-sixties, early-seventies origins of female emancipation. And she was very much like, "You're not going to be defined by how you look. It's going to be about who you are and what you do."
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Mother
Image of Felicity Jones
I put every ounce of myself into my work, but also it's important that I don't miss every single wedding of my best friends.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Missing
Image of Felicity Jones
I've never taken a role where I don't like a person on the page. Sometimes there are changes that need to be made.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Taken
Image of Felicity Jones
I couldn't do what I do without my friends and family.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Family And Friends
Image of Felicity Jones
I think personally it's not good for anyone - I don't think infidelity leads to happiness. It's painful for the person being cheated on, but also for the person who's cheating.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Cheating
Image of Felicity Jones
I was into Virginia Woolf and James Joyce [at university] and I think we all thought that [Charles] Dickens wasn't that cool.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Thinking
Image of Felicity Jones
My mother was in advertising and worked incredibly hard when she was bringing us up. She was a working mother and a working single parent. That instills in you a sense of determination.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Mother
Image of Felicity Jones
"The Invisible Woman" was about trying to show this conflict in [Nelly Ternan] woman truthfully, between her own identity, but also being in love with someone who I think made very high demands from her.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Being In Love
Image of Felicity Jones
I like Nelly's [Ternan] quiet inner strength. I thought there was something about her predicament that I found interesting - that she didn't want to be a floozy mistress, a bit on the side, that she had more self-respect than that.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Self
Image of Felicity Jones
I made a film called "The Theory of Everything," which is based on Jane Hawing, who was married to Stephen Hawking - it's based on her book about their relationship.That's what the film will be about - they were both incredible, strong, willful individuals and I feel like that Stephen Hawking himself would say that he wouldn't have survived without the influence of Jane Hawking, and they were an incredible team together.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Strong
Image of Felicity Jones
I hate it when, in films, the girl looks perfect in every shot. It's quite nice if there's a bit of dark circles underneath the eyes, if we see the reality of the situation that the person is going through.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Girl
Image of Felicity Jones
I really enjoyed it - being involved in watching rushes and playback [in "The Invisible Woman"]. Ralph [Fiennes] was very open to my input, I think knowing that he couldn't always be there 100 percent, that he had dual aims with directing and acting.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Thinking
Image of Felicity Jones
Now younger actresses will have a confidence in those discussions with their agents and be able to say, "Can we make sure that I'm being paid the right amount for the work that I'm doing?"
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Agents
Image of Felicity Jones
I've done quite a lot of improv work before, and I wanted to do this film ["The Invisible Woman"] because it felt like a different technique. We were very true to the lines, and there was something quite formal and almost theatrical about it.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Technique
Image of Felicity Jones
I'm keen to have balance, as much as possible. I put every ounce of myself into my work, but also it's important that I don't miss every single wedding of my best friends. I couldn't do what I do without my friends and family.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Missing
Image of Felicity Jones
I was a tomboy running around in the garden. I used to play on a local cricket team. I grew up with all boy cousins, for the most part, and my brother.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Running
Image of Felicity Jones
I think [Charles] Dickens was an extrovert and Nelly [Ternan] an introvert, and I think that Nelly saw beyond the fame and adulation and she actually loved Dickens essentially for who he was. So I think he felt like she was someone he could be himself with.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Thinking
Image of Felicity Jones
It was lucky that Ralph [Fiennes] is someone who understands both film and theater and we were able to understand that scene so well before we took it to the set.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Lucky
Image of Felicity Jones
It was amazing how much rehearsal helped with the performance - it was almost a theatrical approach to filmmaking.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Rehearsal
Image of Felicity Jones
I think I actually did a production of "Under Milkwood," this Welsh play, with my drama group (at school), and I always remember taking everything far too seriously, and that it wasn't just a hobby but something I wanted to keep on doing.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Drama
Image of Felicity Jones
I like to keep pushing myself and trying things out. I get easily bored, so I need a challenge.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Bored
Image of Felicity Jones
My mother [was in advertising and] worked incredibly hard when she was bringing us up. She was a working mother and a working single parent.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Mother
Image of Felicity Jones
[In "The Invisible Woman"] was a different type of performance which was less driven by improv. You always want moments of freshness and newness, but there was less so than I've done before.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Want
Image of Felicity Jones
I cry at the end of every episode of "Girls." I'm just so overwhelmed by the truthfulness with which [Lena Dunham] conveys human nature.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Girl
Image of Felicity Jones
I think Nelly [Ternan] actually has something very conservative about her, and she's very judgmental of (this other character's) situation, and can see that's about to happen to herself. So she judges it even more harshly [because] it's what she fears becoming.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Character
Image of Felicity Jones
I've never taken a role where I don't like a person on the page.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Taken
Image of Felicity Jones
I've been very lucky. Directors I've worked with have been very amenable to changes.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Directors
Image of Felicity Jones
I'm keen to have balance, as much as possible.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Balance
Image of Felicity Jones
The American vice would be sometimes speaking too loudly. You can always hear American people on the trains!
- Felicity Jones
Collection: People
Image of Felicity Jones
I think that when [Charles] Dickens met Nelly [Ternan] it unleashed this sort of carnal, anarchic, cruel energy within him, and literally after she met him he changed his whole life - he separated from [his wife] Catherine, he stopped all the children from seeing her and went on this bitter rampage.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Children
Image of Felicity Jones
Sometimes there are changes that need to be made.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Needs