F. Murray Abraham

Image of F. Murray Abraham
I'm passionate about politics, but when it comes to political parties, I'm despondent. I'm disappointed at the absence of a sense of humanity and struggle to not become a cynic.
- F. Murray Abraham
Collection: Politics
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I trust that the president will try, just give it one more shot, some revolutionary way of not doing this, of bringing all those kids back home safely.
- F. Murray Abraham
Collection: Trust
Image of F. Murray Abraham
Arnold Schwarzenegger, I don't know if you'd call him a great actor, but he's amazing in terms of his presence, and he is interesting enough that you want to watch him.
- F. Murray Abraham
Collection: Amazing
Image of F. Murray Abraham
If these men decided that they have to go in there and fight, I want them to send their own children and grandchildren. I want them to not send a bunch of strangers' kids in there to fight and die.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I have two brothers buried in the military cemetery in Texas. I don't want to see any more of that.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
The difficulty is capturing surprise on film.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I'm just having a wonderful time. It's an interesting thing that I'm very comfortable with this material and I don't know why. Maybe it's because I did MacBeth.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
All the stuff that you visualized that was going to work so beautifully, you discover is trashed, so you jump to something else.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I think creativity is spiritual. I absolutely believe that.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
People desire power. I don't know why they want it so. It seems to me it implies a hugely superior intellect which separates them from most of the populace.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I'm not going to just say nice things about everybody unless I mean it.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
Woody Allen sets are very quiet. Extraordinary sense of power from a man who doesn't do anything except just stand there.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I really like to experiment. That's the only way I can work. It's instinctive.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I just throw it out and see what happens. If it sounds and feels right, then I continue.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
There are certain men and women who, from the minute they step in front of a camera, that's exactly where they belong. Connery's one.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
With Connery, he does act. He is in complete command. He completely trusts the person first, then the instrument. I've worked with his son also, on a picture in Russia.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
There is one confrontation scene toward the end of the picture. In the middle of the scene, I thought, That's Sean Connery! I don't know how else to describe Sean Connery. I still feel that way.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I'd like President Bush to think maybe there's another way to think, that maybe Kissinger was wrong when he says we had to go in there because he was wrong about Vietnam.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I'd like President Bush to get a gun in his hands. I'll go with him. I can't think of anything better than to die in place 's just beginning their lives.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
The idea that you can make love and not war really is pretty neat. That thing in Korea, the thing in Israel - that's all over the world. There must be a new way of thinking.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I don't want to talk in terms of miracles. I think this is a very serious situation. But I do want to talk in terms of Bush becoming a man of the hour, and I think this is way to do it.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I acted my heart out.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
Milos said, You're my first choice. From my point of view, that doesn't pay the rent. I said, Tell me what I have to do next because I'm busy painting my kitchen.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
Suddenly I was the man who got the part that every actor in the English language was trying to get. I was really scared. I had talked the talk, and now I had to walk the walk. For three days, I couldn't answer the phone.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
As much preparation as I had made for the old man Salieri, gestures and so on, the fact is after sitting for hours, your movements are kind of slow.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
Once I looked into a mirror at my face I felt like it was completely convincing. I was Salieri.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I'm a very proud actor.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
With Dick Smith there, and the words of Peter Shaffer... they've got to be the most beautiful descriptions in music ever written on film or in literature. And we could hear the music accompanying the words... What more can you ask for?
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I love parties. I love a good time.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
Whenever there were parties, I wasn't invited because I began to be like that character. In a way, that contributed to the success of the performance.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I can't pretend at how much I object to all of the plays that keep being brought back over and over again, the so-called classic plays. I mean how many times can we see 'The Glass Menagerie?'
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I worked with Harold Pinter once as my first Broadway show. It was one of the most exciting things that ever happened to me.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I'm the spokesperson for the Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees. My father was from Syria. It's an American initiative, and it's multi-faith. So, it's maybe 60-65 different organisations, Jews, Christians, Hindus... Anyway, it's very important and serious.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I always play these bad guys, and I'm really a nice guy.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I'm first-generation American - my people came over on boats - and I think it's a shame to close the door on people who really need freedom.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
One of the great values of the theater is a communal search for truth; I believe that sincerely.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I cannot imagine not working. I don't understand the word 'retirement.'
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
My Oscar has appeared in every play I've done since - not in view of the audience, but for my colleagues to enjoy.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
No matter all of your credits and accomplishments - you can be forgotten in a trice. The idea that you have to go back and start again after considerable success can destroy you if you're not strong. I never lost track of who I am and what I can do, because I continually find things to do, but not everyone has that resource.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I'm not afraid to go anywhere, to the smallest theatre or the least amount of money.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
There are real tricks to getting a job that I just don't like or understand - it feels too close to pandering. I've tried it, but it doesn't work.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
It sounds funny, but I felt that my responsibility as an American actor was to let the British know we can act as well as they can.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
The only reason I signed on for a speech and drama course was because I thought it would be easy, but as soon as I stepped on the stage, I thought, 'This is exactly where I belong.'
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
After I finished school, I headed for Los Angeles, thinking, 'Movies. Beaches.' But I wanted to do serious stage work, so I upped sticks and moved to New York to study. I did the usual day jobs to support myself - waiting on tables, washing dishes, parking cars, anything to pay the rent. I was a terrible waiter, by the way.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I'm a comedian at heart, and I really can make people laugh, but ever since 'Amadeus,' all I seem to do is play dramatic roles and villains.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
My family is blue-collar - coal miners and steelworkers. My father was an automobile mechanic, and us boys were brought up to work. I used to pump gasoline at 11 cents a gallon. I thought I would like to be a first-rate mechanic; a respected, hard-working man.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
Marlon Brando was the major influence in my life, though I never met him. And my father - we didn't get along, but he was an influence in terms of honesty and work ethic. That's the greatest compliment I could pay him.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I like to teach. And when I spot talent without ambition, it makes me angry. I give students short shrift if they're not willing to do the work. Relying on talent is not enough.
- F. Murray Abraham
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I was a hoodlum. I was a gang member, and art saved my life.
- F. Murray Abraham
Collection: Art
Image of F. Murray Abraham
I'd like President Bush to get a gun in his hands. I'll go with him. I can't think of anything better than to die in places just beginning their lives.
- F. Murray Abraham
Collection: Thinking