Erik Spoelstra

Image of Erik Spoelstra
It's never easy to compete for a title.
- Erik Spoelstra
Image of Erik Spoelstra
When things that normally work aren't working, you have to go to something else.
- Erik Spoelstra
Image of Erik Spoelstra
You don't have to be humbled to be humble.
- Erik Spoelstra
Image of Erik Spoelstra
The most important thing is there is a foundation and an accountability to a system.
- Erik Spoelstra
Image of Erik Spoelstra
The unified message in this fight against systemic racism and racial inequality is something that our entire Association is united to fight against.
- Erik Spoelstra
Image of Erik Spoelstra
In my mind, this is an 'and,' it's not 'either' 'or' or 'but.' Yeah, you can feel a certain way about honoring the flag and the country, and feel that there needs to be some significant changes in the system, regarding racial inequalities.
- Erik Spoelstra
Image of Erik Spoelstra
If you're a competitor, this is what you want. You want all of the games to have meaning, context and to be the best competition.
- Erik Spoelstra
Image of Erik Spoelstra
I just hate this term of 'essential' staff, and 'non-essential' staff.
- Erik Spoelstra
Image of Erik Spoelstra
Competition matters.
- Erik Spoelstra
Image of Erik Spoelstra
I want to do this for as long as I possibly can and coach as many different teams and opportunities and different kind of personalities. I want to gobble that all up. And I want to be able to give and add value to these teams.
- Erik Spoelstra
Image of Erik Spoelstra
Don’t brush anything under the rug. Don’t point fingers or do the blame game. A team is a family, and we’re in this together.
- Erik Spoelstra
Collection: Team
Image of Erik Spoelstra
You have to absolutely commit to whatever your process is and attack that process every single day, of trying to get better, take steps forward, without getting caught up in the immediate results that everybody wants to see. That's probably the biggest challenge.
- Erik Spoelstra
Collection: Challenges
Image of Erik Spoelstra
Don't focus on the victory, focus on the task.
- Erik Spoelstra
Collection: Focus
Image of Erik Spoelstra
You have to stick to your goals of progress.
- Erik Spoelstra
Collection: Goal
Image of Erik Spoelstra
During one of the 4th quarter huddles, LeBron said to him, 'It doesn't matter what happens to this point. No one is going to remember how many points you had or what type of game you had. Just help us make some plays to win this thing.' And he made some big plays.
- Erik Spoelstra
Collection: Winning
Image of Erik Spoelstra
It was an unusual environment. We're used to having the jotter arena at this time of year. It's unfortunate that it was that way, but both teams had to deal with it.
- Erik Spoelstra
Collection: Team
Image of Erik Spoelstra
They played great and I can honestly say I don't think any of us were expecting this type of performance. They were great. You have to give them credit for that.
- Erik Spoelstra
Collection: Thinking
Image of Erik Spoelstra
They played exquisite basketball in this series and in particular these last three games. They are the better team. There is no other way to say it. They played great basketball, and we couldn't respond to it.
- Erik Spoelstra
Collection: Basketball