Eleanor Catton

Image of Eleanor Catton
I am a New Zealander, but I don't want to swallow New Zealand identity in one gulp.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
Writing is exhilarating, but reading reviews is not. I've been really devastated by 'good' reviews because they misunderstand the project of the book. It can be strangely galvanising to get a 'bad' one.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
What I wanted to create with 'The Luminaries' is a book that had structural patterns built in that didn't matter, but if you cared about them, you could look into the book and see them.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
It seems pretentious to assume that we are not creatures of action. I think often it takes a situation of extreme absurdity, extreme action, to push us to the limits of what our character is, and to change us as people.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
I think it's more optimistic about human nature to acknowledge that people are the products of their time but then to see that they have moments of grace and dignity that everybody has.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
I grew up on the South Island of New Zealand, in a city chosen and beloved by my parents for its proximity to the mountains - Christchurch is two hours distant from the worn saddle of Arthur's Pass, the mountain village that was and is my father's spiritual touchstone, his chapel and cathedral in the wild.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
My sense of injustice about our family's 'weirdness' in not owning a car was amplified by the fact that we did not own a television, either - my parents were unapologetic about this and told me very cheerfully that I would thank them for it when I was older, which was quite true.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
Sometimes I'll read something on Twitter, and I'll just be in the darkest of moods for the rest of the day or the rest of the week sometimes.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
I've had countless reviews sort that have made me cry. It's funny, it doesn't ever get better either; you can't turn your ears off.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
'The Luminaries' is such a different book to 'The Rehearsal.' There are only a couple of things that link the two books: there's a certain preoccupation with looking at relationships from the outside, being shut out of human intimacy; and then there's patterning.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
I loved 'Middlemarch,' I think that's one of my favourite books of all time, actually.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
Long historical books get written by women, but not contemporary experiments, which still seems to be a very male-dominated field.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
I don't feel like literature has the power to alienate. I think that's something people feel if they don't connect with a work of art. But I don't think a work of art can actively reject the person who's looking at it or reading it.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
My second novel, 'The Luminaries,' is set in the New Zealand gold rushes of the 1860s, though it's not really a historical novel in the conventional sense. So far, I've been describing it as 'an astrological murder mystery.'
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
I'm a Libra. I'm happy to be an air sign, but I do think I have a little too much air in my chart as a whole - some more water would be useful, especially in my personal life, as an emotional counterweight to all that abstraction.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
I think the adverb is a much-maligned part of speech. It's always accused of being oppressive, even tyrannical, when in fact it's so supple and sly.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
My parents took me to the Bronte parsonage in England when I was a teenager. I had a fight with my mum, burst into tears, jumped over a stile and ran out into the moors. It felt very authentic: A moor really is an excellent place to have a temper tantrum.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
We throw at female artists this expectation that their work has to speak to the female experience. And if it doesn't, you're letting the side down. Throwing this stumbling block in the way of female artists is counterintuitive.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
I went to a state school in Christchurch, New Zealand, and then straight on to the University of Canterbury. But I worked part-time all the way through high school: first with a paper round, then at a fast-food outlet, a video store and a hardware store.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
I vote far-left. I am frequently angered by corporate greed and think education ought to be free and teachers paid well.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
I see disappointment as something small and aggregate rather than something unified or great. With a little effort, every failure can be turned into something good.
- Eleanor Catton
Image of Eleanor Catton
Love cannot be reduced to a catalogue of reasons why, and a catalogue of reasons cannot be put together into love.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Love
Image of Eleanor Catton
For although a man is judged by his actions, by what he has said and done, a man judges himself by what he is willing to do, by what he might have said, or might have done—a judgment that is necessarily hampered, not only by the scope and limits of his imagination, but by the ever-changing measure of his doubt and self-esteem.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of Eleanor Catton
Never underestimate how extraordinarily difficult it is to understand a situation from another person's point of view.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Views
Image of Eleanor Catton
Theatre is a concentrate of life as normal. Theatre is a purified version of real life, an extraction, an essence of human behaviour that is stranger and more tragic and more perfect than everything that is ordinary about me and you.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Real
Image of Eleanor Catton
A woman fallen has no future; a man risen has no past.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Past
Image of Eleanor Catton
Solitude is a condition best enjoyed in company.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Solitude
Image of Eleanor Catton
Reason is no match for desire: when desire is purely and powerfully felt, it becomes a kind of reason of its own.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Desire
Image of Eleanor Catton
Remember that anybody who is clever enough to set you free is clever enough to enslave you.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Life
Image of Eleanor Catton
It is a feature of human nature to give what we most wish to receive.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Giving
Image of Eleanor Catton
What’s the likelihood? That the one girl who makes my heart race is the one girl who wants me in return? That the accident of my attraction coincides with the accident of hers?
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Girl
Image of Eleanor Catton
A man ought never to trust another mans evaluation of a third mans disposition.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Men
Image of Eleanor Catton
I think the adverb is a much-maligned part of speech. Its always accused of being oppressive, even tyrannical, when in fact its so supple and sly.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eleanor Catton
I have observed that male writers tend to get asked what they think and women what they feel," she says. "In my experience, and that of a lot of other women writers, all of the questions coming at them from interviewers tend to be about how lucky they are to be where they are – about luck and identity and how the idea struck them. The interviews much more seldom engage with the woman as a serious thinker, a philosopher, as a person with preoccupations that are going to sustain them for their lifetime.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eleanor Catton
The proper way to understand any social system was to view it from above.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Views
Image of Eleanor Catton
She is a loner, too bright for the slutty girls and too savage for the bright girls, haunting the edges and corners of the school like a sullen disillusioned ghost
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Girl
Image of Eleanor Catton
Astrologys a moving system that depends on where youre looking at it from on Earth. My horoscope here in London would be completely different to down in New Zealand.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Moving
Image of Eleanor Catton
All men want their whores to be unhappy.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Men
Image of Eleanor Catton
It is a mark of the depth of their wounding that they are pretending they suspected it all along. Everything that they have seen and been told about love so far has been an inside perspective, and they are not prepared for the crashing weight of this exclusion. It dawns on them now how much they never saw and how little they were wanted, and with this dawning comes a painful re-imagining of the self as peripheral, uninvited, and utterly minor.
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Self