David Miliband

Image of David Miliband
Consuming three planets' worth of resources when in fact we have one is the environmental equivalent of childhood obesity - eating until you make yourself sick.
- David Miliband
Collection: Sick
Image of David Miliband
The clearest evidence that we are living beyond environmental means is the threat of dangerous climate change. The scale of this threat, to human life and to the natural resources and assets on which it depends, for everything from oxygen and clean water to healthy soils and flood defence, means that this simply must be our top priority
- David Miliband
Collection: Mean
Image of David Miliband
We are living as if we had three planets' worth of resources to live with rather than just one. We need to cut by about two-thirds our ecological footprint. For that we need one planet farming as well as one planet living - one planet farming which minimises the impact on the environment of food production and consumption, and which maximises its contribution to renewal of the natural environment
- David Miliband
Collection: Cutting
Image of David Miliband
You know, you only get to live life once, so there are two things that that yields. One is that there's no point in crying over spilt milk, but secondly you hate wasting time, energy, and whatever talent you've got...
- David Miliband
Collection: Hate
Image of David Miliband
We know from history that the way wars are concluded is absolutely the key to whether or not there is any peace to be kept.
- David Miliband
Collection: War
Image of David Miliband
John Major put the 'er' back into Conservative, David Cameron's put the Con into Conservative - and Norman Lamont put the VAT into Conservative!
- David Miliband
Collection: Vat
Image of David Miliband
First of all, we have to say loud and clear to all those who are engaged in the fighting that attention to and respect for humanitarian needs is absolutely imperative. Anyone with any knowledge of Iraq, never mind any concern about the future, knows that the way in which the war is prosecuted has a big impact on what comes afterwards.
- David Miliband
Collection: War
Image of David Miliband
We are a European nation - must stay one.
- David Miliband
Collection: Nations
Image of David Miliband
Thirty years ago, if you said the country was living beyond its means, people would have thought about economics. Now, if you talk about the country, or the planet living beyond its means, you think about the environment. We are taking out more than we are giving back. We are consuming energy, water, and other natural resources in a way that is leading to huge and often irreversible damage to the planet. So too are most other developed nations. And so too will China and India if they follow the same path of economic development as us
- David Miliband
Collection: Country
Image of David Miliband
Crushing defeat for Great Britain #Euref. History will show no one won today.
- David Miliband
Collection: Crush
Image of David Miliband
I abhor anything that constitutes torture. Water-boarding, its perfectly clear to me it is torture. I never supported extraordinary rendition to torture, always said that Guantanamo should be closed. There is no clash of ideals and pragmatism there.
- David Miliband
Collection: Water
Image of David Miliband
If you decide to run for the leadership, you have to go through it with the people you love. But you also have to protect them and I am determined to protect my mum.
- David Miliband
Collection: Running
Image of David Miliband
What's now urgently needed [to stop environmental disaster] is the international political commitment to take action to avoid dangerous climate change.
- David Miliband
Collection: Commitment
Image of David Miliband
The window of opportunity to avoid dangerous climate change is closing more quickly than previously thought.
- David Miliband
Collection: Change
Image of David Miliband
Essentially, by 2050 we need all activities outside agriculture to be near zero carbon emitting if we are to stop carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere growing
- David Miliband
Collection: Zero
Image of David Miliband
First, climate change is the greatest long-term threat faced by humanity. It could cause more human and financial suffering than the two world wars and the great depression put together. All countries will be affected, but the poorest countries will be hit hardest. Secondly, the costs of inaction far outweigh the costs of action.
- David Miliband
Collection: Country
Image of David Miliband
Dangerous climate change... It's important not to be alarmist but it is very important to be alarmed
- David Miliband
Collection: Important
Image of David Miliband
In the future, every industry should be an environmental industry. In a world where energy and carbon emissions are constrained, every business must take resource productivity seriously
- David Miliband
Collection: Business
Image of David Miliband
I'm a great believer in the Arsene Wenger school of management - which is, you don't worry about the opposition, you just get your own act together.
- David Miliband
Collection: Business
Image of David Miliband
Today, the UK must be the pioneer of a new model of economic change, that integrates social and environmental consideration. This is not just a question of values and moral duty. It is about our economy's capacity to sustain itself
- David Miliband
Collection: Business
Image of David Miliband
The science is getting worse faster than the politics is getting better.
- David Miliband
Collection: Future
Image of David Miliband
Economic dynamism can be combined with environmental and social responsibility. High financial returns can go hand in hand with respect for human rights, and the preservation of the planet's natural resources
- David Miliband
Collection: Business