Daniela Bobadilla

Image of Daniela Bobadilla
In between shooting for 'Awake,' I was attempting to have my own pilot season. The audition for 'Anger Management' actually came during a week that I was already testing for a couple other shows and we weren't really letting any other shows into the mix.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Collection: Anger
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I feel like everything comes into your life for a reason. With 'Awake,' I got to do a drama, and with 'Anger Management,' that's my comedy.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Collection: Anger
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
On 'Awake,' we would take a couple hours per scene. Whereas on 'Anger Management,' we can take maybe 10 minutes on a scene if we're lucky.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Collection: Anger
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I get really angry when I get hungry. If you don't feed me, I won't talk to you. That's when my anger issues come out.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Collection: Anger
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
My biggest pet peeve is when people don't admit what they've done.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Collection: Pet
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I've always been really artistic. I went to an all-girls' private Catholic school, and one of their biggest things was musical theater. I became obsessed with that.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I feel like everything comes into your life for a reason.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I want to do a little bit of everything and really just experience life.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I would like to work in both comedy and drama.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I'd love to do a really juicy drama that's just really real. On the comedy side, I'd love to do something like '21 Jump Street.' I cannot stop watching that movie. Really funny, really extreme comedies are definitely my favorite.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I taught high school students Spanish.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I'm an Aries. Most of the time, whether I want to admit it or not, it describes me. I don't check my horoscope too often, but most of the time, yes, I'm fiery and stubborn.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I had 45 Avril Lavigne posters. Those were my first posters.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
If you ask any of my close friends, they know I always complain that I never get to play my age.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I've always been really artistic. I went to an all-girls private Catholic school, and one of their biggest things was musical theater.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I'm always so proud of everything I work on. I love seeing it.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
While I was doing 'Desperate Housewives,' I actually watched it from the beginning.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
'Awake' was just the most beautiful show. For most of the shooting, we didn't know if they were going to air. You never knew. We were just trying to make it the best it could.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
Ive always been really artistic. I went to an all-girls private Catholic school, and one of their biggest things was musical theater. I became obsessed with that.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Collection: Girl
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I'm a theater actress and I thrive on working with other actors, and you can't be even a smidge bad, when you're acting with Charlie [Sheen]. He's just so natural, so present and so good that you have to step up to his level, or else.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Collection: Acting
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
In between shooting for Awake, I was attempting to have my own pilot season. The audition for Anger Management actually came during a week that I was already testing for a couple other shows and we werent really letting any other shows into the mix.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Collection: Couple
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
Im always so proud of everything I work on. I love seeing it.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Collection: Proud
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
Once you act with someone, who gives you so much to feed off of, you just have to be there and be yourself, and it comes out.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Collection: Being Yourself
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
Charming is the perfect word to describe Charlie [Sheen]. That's why people love him. He's so personable. They can relate to him. He made mistakes and he knows it. Everyone is like that. That is why he has so many fans.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Collection: Mistake
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I can't imagine saying the same joke for three hours. I don't know how that would work.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Collection: Three
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I would like to work in both comedy and drama. I'd love to do a really juicy drama that's just really real.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Collection: Real
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I've always just been really interesting in humans, whether I knew it or not, back then. To be able to recreate that and express that was definitely something I wanted to do.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Collection: Interesting
Image of Daniela Bobadilla
I've always enjoyed performing. I was in figure skating before, and then I joined my first school play. Ever since that, you have not been able to get me out of the theater.
- Daniela Bobadilla
Collection: School