Daniel Kaluuya

Image of Daniel Kaluuya
I listened to this book, 'The Beauty Myth,' about how beauty standards are messing with women in Western society, and I was like, 'I don't know this.' I have no idea, and I don't pretend to, but now I'm more aware of it because I've engaged on that frequency.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
I am definitely not a household face, and I don't expect to be one.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
I don't think you become a name with just one job.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
Being young, working class, and black, everything you do is policed. If someone hits you and you hit back, you are aggressive. If you cry, you are weak. You are kind of always pretending to be something.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
I just want to tell black stories.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
Even people who say that black people are minorities, there are a billion black people in the world. A billion white people. What part of that is a minority? If you separate yourself, then maybe. But I see black people as one man. When I see people beaten on the streets of America, that hurts me. I feel that.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
'Skins' was like our uni. I'm tight with everyone from 'Skins' because we had that special experience together.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
My experience growing up in London and growing up in a working class background is that when people are down and out, that's when they're probably the funniest. They have to be. That's what they do to cope, to find joy, 'cause they don't feel the joy inside. Or they use humor to keep people out.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
'A Prophet' is one of my favorite films of all time.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
I wrote my first play when I was nine. It was performed at Hampstead Theatre.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
I hope people listen to black people more. You'd be surprised how little people listen to black people when it comes to racial issues. It's weird.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
'Sucker Punch' was so demanding, it scared me a bit.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
I love comedy. I don't think there's enough comedy on stage.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
'The Fades' is its own world. If you try and link it to some religion, you have people going, 'Oh, that's not right,' with their Bible open. Let's just chuck some imagination at it.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
Really, I have no idea how I'm perceived in the industry.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
There's a lot of black men running around with crazy trauma scars, and they should be going to therapy. They should be sitting down and talking to people. But they can't. If you've got the armor of being a man, and the armor of being a black man, that hyper-masculine thing can make those scars deeper.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
I find it hard to watch a lot of the kind of things I'm doing before doing it. I don't think it's helpful for me. It makes me too aware.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
What you want to do is make people talk, start a conversation.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
Racism isn't just in America... Alienation is felt worldwide in different capacities.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
I think diverse stories are just stories. I don't think 'diverse' is an add-on package. Things that are not diverse are weird because that's not accurate.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
A lot of black men have problems being emotionally vulnerable because of the boundaries and parameters that have been put onto them by society.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Collection: Men
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
Improv is like writing. It's actually a different discipline to acting. It helps acting greatly, but it's completely different. It's the same side of your brain when you write as when you improv.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
My experience growing up in London and growing up in a working class background, is that when people are down and out, that's when they're probably the funniest. They have to be. That's what they do to cope, to find joy, cause they don't feel the joy inside. Or they use humor to keep people out.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
A lot of people have an opinion on scripts, but they aren't equipped to diagnose what the problems are. You realize that scriptwriting is such a specialist subject, but because it's so common, everyone thinks that they can talk about that. I think it's something that writers only know, that they can see.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Collection: Thinking
Image of Daniel Kaluuya
I don't think writing stops until the film is out. In the edit, it's another draft. [The script] is the food for set, and then the set is food for the edit, and the edit is food for the screen. It's constant, and this is just the first stage of it.
- Daniel Kaluuya
Collection: Writing