Daniel Gillies

Image of Daniel Gillies
I moved to New Zealand from Winnipeg when I was almost five. I hated it. It was to a city in the south of New Zealand called Invercargill and there was constant rain. There was a depressing sensation in the air.
- Daniel Gillies
Image of Daniel Gillies
Cable had a latitude to move which created less censorship and bestowed upon the artists, the writers and the creators, more liberty to create their shows.
- Daniel Gillies
Image of Daniel Gillies
Kevin Smith is so great in 'Kingdom Come,' isn't he? He's kind of this very earthy poet. He just has this immediate gregariousness, like, you kind of just want to be his pal.
- Daniel Gillies
Image of Daniel Gillies
New Zealanders have conventions and pleasantries, but we are direct. We are encouraged to be transparent with our behavior and not to employ passive aggression.
- Daniel Gillies
Image of Daniel Gillies
Tell people you're a Canadian or a Kiwi when you travel and they'll adore you.
- Daniel Gillies
Image of Daniel Gillies
I will say that the food in both Japan and Italy was immaculate. I don't remember having bad food in either country.
- Daniel Gillies
Image of Daniel Gillies
If you devote yourself entirely to a pursuit, there is no way you cannot find beauty and fulfillment.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Way
Image of Daniel Gillies
Whatever you want is as elusive as you make it.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Want
Image of Daniel Gillies
We are taught to want a thing. We are taught that having that thing will make us happy. We are taught that having it immediately is the answer. We are taught a corrupted version of success. And love.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: And Love
Image of Daniel Gillies
You're making a big mistake if you think that you can beat me.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Mistake
Image of Daniel Gillies
If you do your work, eventually there will be a spark. A fire. A blaze.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Fire
Image of Daniel Gillies
We are contaminated with the idea of "winning" and defeating others. Indoctrinated by parents, schools, and our ubiquitous media, hammered with a lie: The only way to be truly triumphant is if we are dominant before supposed "competitors" rather than beautiful before ourselves.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Daniel Gillies
As lovely as people are to me about my performance, I'm still a huge critic. I like very little of what I ever do.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: People
Image of Daniel Gillies
I love to watch my daughter. At twenty-two months, that little soul is developing at a rate I will never understand. She's kind of taught me that growth and expansion are a person's natural state and inclination.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Daughter
Image of Daniel Gillies
We are not taught that hardship is the anvil upon which we are beaten into beauty. We are not taught that some of our greatest moments are some of our most difficult.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Hardship
Image of Daniel Gillies
We're living in a time where movies are very unimportant. They're not leaving a footprint on your heart. We're going to the movies now and we're going, "Oh, man, that was cool! That was thrilling! That was a ride!" But, we're not walking away anymore thinking, "I just experienced something that could change the way I live."
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Heart
Image of Daniel Gillies
It's all just venom to the soul and symptomatic of a larger issue: the idea of the shortcut. The result without the fight. The fight is the thing. The work.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Fighting
Image of Daniel Gillies
Most infants are geniuses. They're indomitable, fearless, and completely in harmony with a cosmic proclivity for growth. They're heroes because they walk directly through adversity with love and ardent resolve.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Hero
Image of Daniel Gillies
Nobody really truly supporting independent filmmakers anymore. It's just dire. There's a lot of bad filmmaking, and there's a lot of people worshipping some terrible filmmakers. It's a waste of all of our time, if you don't feel anything. We are an age of YouTube kids. We don't care so much anymore. It's all about marketing.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Kids
Image of Daniel Gillies
People never regret when they come out of a movie and they've been crying. I think people need it. That's why people have the theater and live music, which is dwindling as well. I think people like to go see things and have an emotional, transcendent, universal human experience, but so often we're like, "Let's go watch Green Lantern," which we all know is just not going to do anything for our souls.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Regret
Image of Daniel Gillies
The feeling of New Orleans is so pervasive. It's such a strange and decadent and enchanted embrace that that city has. There's a dark magic present. It's no wonder that it's been the hot bed for so much vampiric folklore. The city has got an ancient quality. It's one of the oldest cities in North America.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Dark
Image of Daniel Gillies
I'm not George Clooney, so I can't just pick and choose. I take roles where they occur.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Roles
Image of Daniel Gillies
At every turn you have to find a new kind of self-sovereignty over your environment. Every kid I see is at the mercy of Periscope, Twitter, or an Angry Bird of some description. People are shackled to their mediocrity by companies and businesses who want to consume your life with theirs.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Kids
Image of Daniel Gillies
The romance of circumvention is one of the most destructive forces at work in our society. The American Idol freeway to greatness, Instagramming one's way into popular consciousness with selfies of our ass folds beneath short shorts, human growth hormone and performance-enhancing drugs for athletes, Adderall for the idle mind, reality television that sacrifices our dignity for fifteen lousy minutes.
- Daniel Gillies
Collection: Athlete