Daniel Day-Lewis

Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
As a member of the audience I don't like it that I can't see what's going on in the eyes and in the face and in the most subtle responses of a performer when I'm more than a few rows back. I find it very frustrating.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
Where I come from, it was a heresy to say you wanted to be in movies, leave alone American movies.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
One of the great privileges of having grown up in a middle-class literary English household, but having gone to school in the front lines in Southeast London, was that I became half-street-urchin and half-good-boy at home. I knew that dichotomy was possible.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
England is obsessed with where you came from, and they are determined to keep you in that place, be it in a drawing room or in the gutter.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I'm a little bit perverse, and I just hate doing the thing that's the most obvious.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I avoid talking about the way I work. But in avoiding it I seem only to have encouraged people to focus their fantasies about me in an ever more fantastical way.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
For as long as I can remember, the thing that gave me a sense of wonderment and renewal... has always been the work of other actors.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
My preference is that, that day when someone sticks a tripod in front of you with a camera on the top, it is not day one.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
Well, we all have murderous thoughts throughout the day, if not the week.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
Acting is about people. Other people. Otherwise, you're not acting, you're doing monologues.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: People
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
The more articulate somebody is, the more suspicious I am of them. I like to feel that the important things remain unsaid.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Silence
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I am more greatly moved by people who struggle to express themselves...I prefer the abstract concept of incoherence in the face of great feeling to beautiful, full sentences that convey little emotion.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I suppose I have a highly developed capacity for self-delusion, so it's no problem for me to believe that I'm somebody else.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Believe
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Hate
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
Leaving a role is a terrible sadness. The last day of the shooting is surreal. Your soul, your body and your mind are not ready at all to see the end of this experience. In the following months after a film shoot, one feels a deep sense of void.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Sadness
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
If you remain unsettled by a piece of writing, it means you are not watching the story from the outside; you've already taken a step toward it.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Taken
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I don’t like to rehearse. And I couldn’t understand how you could go through eight weeks of rehearsal, without exhausting every possibility. To the point where, you know, you would just lie gasping on the floor!
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Lying
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
Making a film, setting it up and getting it cast and getting it together, is not an easy thing
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Fog
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
You don't merely give over your creativity to making a film - you give over your life! In theatre, by contrast, you live these two rather strange lives simultaneously; you have no option but to confront the mould on last night's washing-up.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Creativity
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
The theater is a need for me. It's a terrible attraction, something I'm compelled to do. And one derives a form of nourishment from the theater which you can never get from films. Making films weakens you in some way. With the theater, the work itself is a regenerative process.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Film
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
Film has become such a central part of our culture now that I think sometimes too great a weight is placed upon it in terms of scrutiny and analysis. There's a lot of rather specious professorial stuff that swirls around films.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Thinking
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
The word Amendment itself is an encouraging thing, isn't it? Because an amendment, it tells of a system of government that allows for the improvement of itself. Just move forward a little bit, one day at a time.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Moving
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I suppose that anyone who does any kind of creative work some time in their life - especially as you grow into middle age! - you come to a time where you really question more and more frequently, whether you have anything else to offer. And at its worst, you feel utterly bereft of whatever creative force it takes to do that work.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Creative
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
Just stay alive, no matter what occurs! I will find you. No matter how long it takes, no matter how far. I will find you!
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Romantic
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I don't do all of this as an indulgence. I do it because I'm not a good enough actor to not do it.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Good Enough
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
It's easy to love humanity when you're this far away from it.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Humanity
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I spend many months in apparently listless rumination out of which I hope something will emerge.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Rumination
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
My life is devoted to self-delusion - and I have a great capacity for that - but it's the thing that gives me the most pleasure, so I can't complain about it.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Giving
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
The greater your powers of self-delusion, the greater will be the apparent efficacy of this untruth.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Untruth
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
Be grateful, be grateful, be grateful.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Grateful
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I have no role models. Many heroes. I have an enormous capacity for hero worship.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Hero
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I avoid talking about the way I work. But in avoiding it I seem only to have encouraged people to focus their fantasies about me in an ever more fantastical way on the details that are not at all at the centre of the work.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Talking
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
You've just provided me with the makings of one hell of a weekend in Dublin.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Weekend
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I don't torture myself. And I do the work because of the pleasure involved. I'm satisfying a compulsion I find nigh-on irresistible. It's not necessarily because of the work itself. I just feel the need for a period of regeneration afterwards. Like leaving a field fallow when you've grazed too much on it. I feel depleted.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Torture
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I had a very vivid, almost hallucinatory moment in which I was engaged in a dialogue with my father...
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Father
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I'm not actually a big musical fan.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Musical
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I'm very often still very much alive for that other being and that other world long after the film is finished
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Other Worlds
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
When it comes to parenthood everyone thinks they will be terrible at it. We don't think we have it in us. Then you find out that you do, which truly is a miracle in life.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Thinking
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I would like to have children while I've still got the energy. But then I have the feeling that when I have children I'll stop performing in the same way, because you don't really need to perform if you have children.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Children