Chuck Schuldiner

Image of Chuck Schuldiner
I try to be positive, and from 'Individual'... which was an angry record. I got a lot of mail from people pouring out their feelings, saying that they could really relate to certain topics that I touched upon. When I read that, it lets know that there are people out there that are people out there who are going through the same things.
- Chuck Schuldiner
Collection: Positive
Image of Chuck Schuldiner
Death metal has now become exclusively about being evil, Satanic and playing full speed ahead. It's not what I'm into at all.
- Chuck Schuldiner
Collection: Death
Image of Chuck Schuldiner
When I first got involved in the underground metal scene in '82, '83, there were only about five or six major Death or Black Metal bands around. There were so many other bands that were inspirational, that really helped.
- Chuck Schuldiner
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Chuck Schuldiner
There aren't demons flying around with horns, people are demons.
- Chuck Schuldiner
Image of Chuck Schuldiner
Music should not be a contest, it should be an individual thing that each band is putting out from within themselves.
- Chuck Schuldiner
Image of Chuck Schuldiner
I was lucky to start playing guitar in the Eighties when so many great players were around to inspire me, like Yngwie Malmsteen, Van Halen and especially Dave Murray and Adrian Smith of Iron Maiden.
- Chuck Schuldiner
Image of Chuck Schuldiner
People unfortunately think that if you progress as a musician you are wimpy. I don't get that.
- Chuck Schuldiner
Image of Chuck Schuldiner
I would like to live forever if it was possible.
- Chuck Schuldiner
Image of Chuck Schuldiner
At all times, musicians are replaceable. Friends are not.
- Chuck Schuldiner
Image of Chuck Schuldiner
A trend is exactly that, and it's going to disappear.
- Chuck Schuldiner
Image of Chuck Schuldiner
Life ends so fast, so take your chance, and make it last.
- Chuck Schuldiner
Collection: Lasts
Image of Chuck Schuldiner
There are no limits, you are only limited by however far you want to be limited
- Chuck Schuldiner
Collection: Want
Image of Chuck Schuldiner
How easy it is to deny the pain of someone else's suffering.
- Chuck Schuldiner
Collection: Pain
Image of Chuck Schuldiner
I don't want to preach, but I would like to see metal become more of a united thing. I'm tired of people breaking things down into categories like thrash metal and death metal. I think people tend to stick to one category, and I want people to support all kinds of bands, whether it be Slayer or Queensryche or Death. I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything from Priest and Maiden to Slayer and Venom.
- Chuck Schuldiner
Collection: Tired
Image of Chuck Schuldiner
The fragile art of existenceIs kept alive by sheer persistenceThe fragile art of existence.No time for self-pityNo time for dwelling on what should have beenBut is yet to be.
- Chuck Schuldiner
Collection: Art
Image of Chuck Schuldiner
I close my eyes And sink within myself Relive the gift of precious memories In need of a fix called innocence When did it begin?The change to come was undetectable The open wounds expose the importance of Our innocence A high that can never be bought or sold
- Chuck Schuldiner
Collection: Memories