Chuck Panozzo

Image of Chuck Panozzo
I think if you forget your roots you're lost. It helps to ground you.
- Chuck Panozzo
Collection: Thinking
Image of Chuck Panozzo
I like to get away from noise, although I will play noisy music in my car to keep myself awake. But my ears need a rest sometimes. I do enjoy listening to classical music.
- Chuck Panozzo
Collection: Car
Image of Chuck Panozzo
When I'm onstage and the singer sings, "I think about childhood friends and the dreams we had" and "on board I'm the captain, so climb aboard and we'll search for tomorrow forever more."My head is down because I'm trying to keep the beat. I'll turn and look at the audience and my eyes will scan the entire space. This is a transcendent moment. I can't explain it. It has a lot of meaning to me.
- Chuck Panozzo
Collection: Dream
Image of Chuck Panozzo
I was raised a good little Catholic. What's more theatrical than the ritual of the Catholic church?
- Chuck Panozzo
Collection: Catholic
Image of Chuck Panozzo
I kind of lost my sense of organized religion and became more spiritual from the experience. I would walk in the woods and to the sand dunes and the lake every day. That spoke to me more than getting up at six and the morning and saying some prayers. That had nothing to do with religion to me.
- Chuck Panozzo
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Chuck Panozzo
Shaming and blaming your kid isn't going to make them change. You can't change yourself. Would I love to be tall and blonde? Yes, but that's not going to happen. I'm always going to be short and dark-haired, maybe gray-haired now.
- Chuck Panozzo
Collection: Kids
Image of Chuck Panozzo
Rock and roll is based on pretty boys who look like little girls. The girls love them because they're not threatening. As someone who is dark and kind of hairy and whatever, I said, "I don't have a chance with that." Luckily!
- Chuck Panozzo
Collection: Girl