Chris Colfer

Image of Chris Colfer
Sometimes you have good days, and sometimes you have bad days. It really depends on how much caffeine you've had.
- Chris Colfer
Collection: Good Day
Image of Chris Colfer
Being a best-selling author just means the world for me. Some of my happiest memories, growing up, are being at book stores and reading books I couldn't afford, as a kid, and the midnight parties, waiting for the next Harry Potter book. The fact that I have that straw in my cap means more to me than anything I've ever accomplished before.
- Chris Colfer
Collection: Memories
Image of Chris Colfer
What grinds me the most is that we’re sending kids out into the world who don’t know how to balance a checkbook, don’t know how to apply for a loan, don’t even know how to properly fill out a job application, but because they know the quadratic formula we consider them prepared for the world?
- Chris Colfer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chris Colfer
High School. Society’s bright idea to put all their aggressive, naive youth into one environment to torment and emotionally scar each other for life.
- Chris Colfer
Collection: School
Image of Chris Colfer
I love bookstores. I love the energy in a bookstore and the smell of the paper.
- Chris Colfer
Collection: Smell
Image of Chris Colfer
Due to personal issues, I have been let go from the cast of Glee. Explanations will come shortly.
- Chris Colfer
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Chris Colfer
Besides, anyone with an Internet connection feels they have the credentials to critique or belittle anything these days.
- Chris Colfer
Collection: Connections
Image of Chris Colfer
To be famous is to stand on a pedestal and give the world permission to tell you all your flaws.
- Chris Colfer
Collection: Giving
Image of Chris Colfer
I've learned that the more people embrace their disadvantages, the less disadvantaged they become!
- Chris Colfer
Collection: People
Image of Chris Colfer
I know I'm bitter and a little jaded, and mildly enjoy it, but am I a sad person? Am I happy? I plan on being happy in the future for sure, but it isn't here yet. So what does that make me, exactly?
- Chris Colfer
Collection: Doe
Image of Chris Colfer
I have a sack of hate mail that I want to respond to. One day, when I’m tired or tipsy, I will respond and tell them what I think.
- Chris Colfer
Collection: Hate
Image of Chris Colfer
Anyone can have a once-upon-a-time or a happily-ever-after, but it’s the journey between that makes the story worth telling.
- Chris Colfer
Collection: Stories
Image of Chris Colfer
I do all kind of fun things when I’m unconscious.
- Chris Colfer
Collection: Fun
Image of Chris Colfer
I couldn’t do country, with all due respect to all country music artists. My parents dressed me up with a cowboy hat and we’d go to the rodeo when I was younger and it traumatized me for life.
- Chris Colfer
Collection: Country