Chad Hurley

Image of Chad Hurley
I have the Sony Reader; I have the Kindle as well. I don't really use either of them, to be honest. I'd rather sit down with a cup of coffee and a newspaper than read all my digital books.
- Chad Hurley
Image of Chad Hurley
The iPhone will maybe become more of a video-conferencing experience - you pick up your phone, you answer it, you'll be talking to someone looking at their face.
- Chad Hurley
Image of Chad Hurley
Launch your product or service before you have funding. See how people respond to it before you have a PowerPoint and business plan - have something people can use, and go from there.
- Chad Hurley
Image of Chad Hurley
Approach your business partners with concepts that they can get their heads around, and try to respond to their needs.
- Chad Hurley
Image of Chad Hurley
In Delicious's case, it's a great brand that belongs in Silicon Valley.
- Chad Hurley
Image of Chad Hurley
With YouTube - with the Internet in general - you have information overload. The people who don't necessarily get credit are the curators.
- Chad Hurley
Image of Chad Hurley
I think Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are the cornerstones of any social media strategy.
- Chad Hurley
Image of Chad Hurley
The power of digital distribution over physical retail outlets is you have a chance to create a global audience.
- Chad Hurley
Image of Chad Hurley
Football has limited success in Europe.
- Chad Hurley
Image of Chad Hurley
I think the success around any product is really about subtle insights. You need a great product and a bigger vision to execute against, but its really those small things that make the big difference.
- Chad Hurley
Collection: Thinking
Image of Chad Hurley
We started YouTube to democratize video distribution. Now, we are democratizing video creation.
- Chad Hurley
Collection: Video
Image of Chad Hurley
As you start building the product, don't assume that you know all the answers. Listen to the community and adapt. We had a lot of our own ideas about how the service would evolve. Coming from PayPal and eBay, we saw YouTube as a powerful way to add video to auctions, but we didn't see anyone using our product that way, so we didn't add features to support it.
- Chad Hurley
Collection: Success
Image of Chad Hurley
Every entrepreneur faces trade-offs when founding and growing their company. As we discovered at YouTube, those early decisions have far-reaching impacts and lead to unforeseen pitfalls down the road. Noam Wasserman uses vivid anecdotes and deep research to expertly outline the key early choices that define a startup, making The Founder's Dilemmas an invaluable alternative to real-world trial and error.
- Chad Hurley
Collection: Real
Image of Chad Hurley
With YouTube - with the Internet in general - you have information overload. The people who dont necessarily get credit are the curators.
- Chad Hurley
Collection: People